
The Viking Wolf: 30 Fenrir Tattoo Ideas

fenrir tattoos

The wolf is a powerful animal in nature and mythological tales around the world, making it one of the most popular designs for those seeking tattoos.

Norse mythology fans have several important wolves to choose from, such as the faithful companions of Odin, Geki and Freki, or Hati and Skoll, who are destined to chase the sun and moon to the end of the world.

however, by far the most popular is fenrir, the infamous wolf that the gods themselves feared (and rightly so).

The monstrous beast is the daughter of the god Loki and the giantess (or jötunn) Angrboða.

It is prophesied that he will kill odin during the ragnarök at the end of the world.

fenrir appears in the 13th century Old Norse texts, edda and heimskringla, and has endured in pop culture; Appearing in the Marvel blockbuster Thor: Ragnarok and inspiring characters in the series of fantasy novels by JK Rowling, JRR Tolkein, and CS Lewis.

along with odin’s knot tattoos and yggdrasil (the tree of life) tattoos, fenrir is one of the most popular modern tattoos inspired by norse mythology.

meanings of fenrir tattoos

To know the different meanings that Fenrir tattoos can have, we must understand the history behind the mythological creature.

Legend has it that the Aesir gods raised Fenrir from a tiny cub to the massive wolf he became to prevent him from wreaking havoc on the Nine Realms.

The gods became concerned when they saw how fast Fenrir was growing and decided they had to put him in chains.

Their first two attempts were unsuccessful as Fenrir easily freed himself, and for the third they enlisted the help of the dwarves to forge the strongest chains in existence.

Fenrir was told it was all a game to test his strength, but he had grown wary and only agreed to continue if one of the gods placed their hand over his mouth as a sign of trust.

The god of war, tyr, stepped forward, knowing it would almost certainly mean the loss of his hand.

When fenrir couldn’t break free, his jaw lowered and tyr’s hand was ripped from his wrist.

fenrir’s howls of fury spawned a foaming river called “expectation”.

When Ragnarök comes, it is said that Fenrir will break free and devour the world with his lower jaw towards the ground and his upper jaw towards the sky.

as a symbol, fenrir tattoos represent strength and power.

after all, this is a creature that the gods themselves feared and that is destined to literally devour the world.

Depending on the tattoo style, fenrir can also be used to symbolize fighting adversity and oppression, breaking the strongest chains in the world.

A fenrir tattoo can also be used to represent destiny: in mythology, he must fulfill the prophecy that states he will end the world and end odin, before being avenged by odin’s son víðarr.

another meaning of a fenrir tattoo is triumphant success.

in a chapter of the gylfaginning book of edda, an enthroned figure states that “release from leyding” and “knock out of dromi” have become sayings for achieving something with great effort, referring to the first two chains that the gods tried to bind fenrir with.

main themes in fenrir’s tattoos

there are several themes that we see a lot in fenrir’s tattoos.

For the most part, they are based on mythology itself, with Fenrir as the main theme alongside key gods and beasts from Old Norse tales.

Other designs include runes in the tattoo, although it is always best to consult an expert when adding characters and symbols from another alphabet to ensure there are no mistakes or mistranslations.

fenrir vs odin tattoos

One of the most common themes for a fenrir tattoo sees the giant facing off against the father of all.

according to norse mythology, fenrir is destined to finish off odin during ragnarök, and this makes for a powerful tattoo.

The iconic moment will be instantly recognizable to other Viking enthusiasts and the contrast between man and beast is sure to be a dramatic scene, with Odin wielding his mighty gungnir spear.

fenrir head tattoo

Wolf head tattoos have always been a popular choice given how majestic the animal looks from the front or howling at the moon.

With a fenrir tattoo, you have the chance to get a little more creative by depicting the beast breaking free of its chains or brandishing the sword that once held its jaws open.

You might be tempted to go spooky with it, but some of our favorite designs are minimalist and incorporate Scandinavian runes into the motif.

skoll and hati tattoos

We can’t talk about Fenrir without mentioning the fact that he’s a father.

skoll and hati are the children of fenrir, and in the edico poem the völuspá, are the wolves that devour the sun and cause the fall of the cosmos.

Very little is mentioned of them apart from the fact that one chases the sun while the other chases the moon.

This creates very interesting tattoo designs that share similarities with the Chinese yin and yang.

Other designs share similarities to the Greek three-headed hellhound cerberus, with fenrir on the central head and skoll and hati on each side.

tyr and fenrir tattoo

As we learned earlier, Tyr is a character who plays a key role in Fenrir’s story; being the only god brave enough to sacrifice his hand to imprison him.

tyr also has further ties to the wolf, as he was the god tasked with raising him.

a tattoo of a young fenrir next to tyr would be an interesting design.

For something a little more graphic, we recommend rendering the scene of the union of Fenrir with the hand of the god of war in the jaws of the wolf.

body placement

With a few design options in mind, it’s time to decide where on your body you want to get your Fenrir tattoo.

There are no hard and fast rules for body placement here, as there is not much scientific evidence to suggest that many Vikings had tattoos.

however, an account by the 10th-century traveler ibn fadlan states that the Norse were “tattooed from the tips of their fingers to their necks”, so the hand might be a good starting point.

fenrir hand tattoos

Some of the best fenrir hand tattoos we’ve seen are designed in a simple side profile style that mimics traditional artwork from the middle ages.

Popular themes for hand tattoos include Fenrir battling Odin and wielding the sword that held his jaws open when the gods tricked him.

A hand tattoo will not only be clearly visible when channeling your inner viking and wielding an axe, but it’s also a perfect opportunity to get some runic symbols tattooed on your knuckles.

make sure you are safe before you decide to get a tattoo on your hand.

Don’t forget that you will always be visible and be aware that some employers see you as unprofessional, which could influence your decision in job interviews.

fenrir forearm tattoos

The forearm is always a good place to start if you’re new to tattooing, as it’s a relatively low pain area.

It’s also incredibly easy for your tattoo artist to reach, making it a perfect canvas for your Fenrir tattoo.

Because of the length of the area, we think a design featuring Fenrir breaking free of his chains is an excellent choice for a forearm tattoo.

if you want to go with something really ironic, this would be the place for a fenrir and tyr tattoo.

fenrir tattoo sleeve

Tattoo sleeves are a big commitment, not to mention quite painful too, so make sure you know what you’re getting into first.

we think fenrir is an excellent choice for a nordic tattoo sleeve; since it’s known as a huge creature, why not go all out and have the wolf wrap itself around the full length of your limb?

There’s plenty of room for imagination here, as you have a whole cast of Norse gods and beasts to grace your manga.

Be sure to check with your tattoo artist to see what ideas they have for a fenrir sleeve.

fenrir tattoo ideas

Looking for some inspiration for your Fenrir tattoo?

We have some ideas for you.

While it’s a good idea to add elements of Viking art into your tattoo design, there are no set or traditional styles when it comes to Fenrir tattoos, which means you’re free to experiment as you please.

Sometimes the simplest ideas make the best tattoos.

There’s no mistaking Fenrir’s title as the original Big Bad Wolf of Norse mythology, and we think he looks particularly fearsome with his wide jaws and snarling on a back or shoulder tattoo.

To really pay homage to the myth, draw your design with a sword in its mouth, as this is how his chains were held when the aesir gods imprisoned him.

according to different interpretations of the myth, it is fenrir or skoll and hati who devour the sun during ragnarök.

Whatever you think, we can’t think of a much more powerful Norse tattoo than a giant wolf with its jaws around the sun.

This works well as a base for a manga, as you can add other elements like her siblings, hel, and the world serpent.

Realistic versions of fenrir work great for a tattoo, but some of the designs we really love are drawn in the style of medieval viking artwork.

The most well-known style of Viking art is called urnes, and often contains complex patterns and shapes based on animals, along with Scandinavian runes.

A good example of this style is the ‘v’ in the logo of the recent television series Vikings.

try to make fenrir the subject of this intricate 2d art style.

if you want a true masterpiece of a tattoo look no further than dorothy hardy’s 20th century artwork ‘odin and fenris’ and ‘the binding of fenris’ which show the beast in striking hues monochromatic at the end battle of the gods and be wrapped in chains.

Of course, you’ll need a fairly advanced tattoo artist to pull this off, so make sure you pick an expert.

other sources of inspiration include the paintings ‘odin und fenriswolf’ and ‘fesselung des fenriswolfe’ by emil doepler.

why stop at fenrir? There are countless gods, giants, and monsters in Norse mythology that we think would look great incorporated into a manga with Fenrir in the thick of the action.

You could choose a design that includes gods like Odin and Thor, or if you’re looking for a horror-inspired tattoo, you could include creatures like the eight-legged horse Sleipnir or the undead Draugr.


A fenrir design is a good choice for your first viking tattoo as it represents power and retaliation against those who would try to stop you.

It’s a step up from a standard wolf tattoo and shows your dedication to all things Norse.

Whether you choose a faithful representation of old Norse tales, like the union of fenrir, or something imaginative like fenrir battling the aesir gods, we hope this helped you find your own fenrir tattoo ideas.

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