
Playboy Bunny Tattoos: Meanings, Designs, and Ideas – TatRing

richard hale is a tattoo enthusiast who studies and researches the symbolism, meanings and history of tattoos.

what is the playboy bunny?

This is a well-known iconic symbol in the United States and around the world. From jewelry and clothing to beautiful tattoo designs, the playboy bunny is very well represented. this symbol is becoming increasingly popular as a tattoo option for both genders. In this article, you will learn what this design represents and also get some ideas for your new ink project.

as a tattoo for women

When it comes to sexy symbols for women, this is a perfect choice. yes, the playboy bunny has been associated with sex since it was first created, but there is something about the symbol that is inviting. If you’re a woman looking for a sexy design, you can’t go wrong with this one.

as a tattoo for men

The playboy bunny is also worn by men, who often choose it as a reference to themselves as “playboys” or “gamers.” in such designs, it is not uncommon to see “player” below the symbol. men tend to go for the traditional playboy bunny symbol, which is solid black, while women tend to prefer it in pink.

where to put a playboy bunny tattoo

One of the advantages that this design usually has is its size. it can come in a variety of different sizes, from large to small. Many tattoos look better big or small, but the playboy bunny design looks good whether you go for a full back or small hip design.

Since it can come in almost any size, it can also be placed on a variety of different places on the body, but since it is a classic sex symbol, it is often placed on the hips or groin area.

  • for women, it is usually small in size and is located on the hips, groin, stomach, or lower back.
  • for men, it is usually It is generally larger than those chosen by women and is placed on the arms, shoulders or back.

what colors to use

Most often it is done in black, white and pink. Although these are the primary colors that are used in this type of tattoo, you can also find them in purple, blue, red and gray. remember, it’s your tattoo design, and you can choose any color you want. if you want an orange bunny, get it! if you like the traditional style, you can use the color combinations of the original bunny.

playboy bunny tattoo meanings

the playboy bunny can be used to represent a variety of different things. while this is true, it is often chosen with no particular meaning other than to represent what the playboy bunny already stands for culturally.

In the following table, you can find the meanings of the playboy bunny tattoo:

bunny design background

the playboy bunny has been associated with sex for decades. it is well known as a symbol of sex, pleasure and fantasy. While all this is true, it is not always the case when it comes to the playboy bunny tattoo. It is a very cute and reserved design. many women choose this symbol simply because they like it. the same can be said for most men as well. Although it has a symbolic value, it is also chosen for the quality of the design.

add words and other symbols to the design

There are many things you can do with it. many people choose to incorporate words and phrases into theirs, such as “gamer” or “seducer”.

  • for men, you might see playboy bunnies in hats. they can also use money, dice or cards in such layouts. you can safely say that the playboy bunny can take on the role of a pimp.
  • women tend to go for cute playboy tattoos in a soft pink color. women can choose to incorporate their name into the tattoo or the name of their partner. Just like men, women also sometimes choose words and phrases associated with the iconic symbol to accompany it.

what to know before getting a tattoo!

There are many different designs and symbols to choose from. It is very important that you take your time and investigate all the possibilities that may interest you. you want to make sure you fully understand what your tattoo stands for and represents.

Take your time and don’t rush into getting a tattoo. you don’t want to get one that you’ll later regret. take your time when researching and choose a design that you are confident in. As always, thanks for your visit.


jp on March 6, 2019:

who is the tattoo artist in all these photos because they are horrible…some of the worst tattoos i have ever seen?

aj on November 7, 2018:

my tattoo “artist” gave me a bunny in my groin in the early 90’s. but he screwed it up, facing it the wrong way and coloring it black when it was supposed to be just an outline. over time, shaving faded the ink, so I went to recolor it. he hated black, but faded it looked worse. at that time, the artist took it upon himself to add magenta “accents” in the form of lines in front of the ears and around the face. lines that don’t even touch the tattoo! he said after that that “I just thought I’d like it.” I never asked him to do it and he was furious! my question is, can this black spot be fixed so that it faces the right direction? or is it useless?

playboy player on March 16, 2018:

can represent a sny gang called northern rider’s and many different gangs use the playboybunny logo

sandra smith on January 19, 2018:

someone told me it also means gay, is that true?

richard ricky hale (author) of west virginia on April 11, 2012:

sueswan, thanks again for visiting us and reading this article. the playboy bunny tattoo is a cute design to go along with. great story about your dad 🙂 had probably been waiting to throw them away for a while.

sueswan on April 9, 2012:

hello lyricist

cute bunnies. my father had a huge collection of playboy magazines. my mother threw them all away after he died.

voted and great

richard ricky hale (author) of west virginia on April 8, 2012:

thank you all for your support, votes, comments and time my friends. I wish you all the best and see you everywhere.

gypsy rose lee from daytona beach, florida on april 6, 2012:

just great my friend. no one will ever get tired of the playboy bunny.


master of cinema on April 6, 2012:

hey ricky, cute and sexy!

ruby jean richert of southern illinois on april 5, 2012:

this is as cute as a bunny…

passthejelly from lakewood colorado on April 4, 2012:

a guy with a bunny tattoo? strange….

aurelio locsin of orange county, ca on april 4, 2012:

The symbolism of this tattoo is pretty obvious, but it has a retro appeal. upvoting this and beautiful.

acaetnna of guildford on April 4, 2012:

oh so much fun, this was red hot!

frank atanacio from shelton on April 04, 2012:

thelyricwriter no matter how they are displayed or defined…these are great 🙂 yeah

bri36 on April 4, 2012:

dude, this is great, I have a bunny on my left calf. yes, i voted^

cassandra mantis from uk and nerujenia on April 4, 2012:

wow! what a great selection of bunnies! great collection of tattoos here! Health! 🙂

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