
50 Breast Cancer Tattoos: Ribbons, Butterflies and Ideas for Survivors and Awareness – Parade: Entertainment, Recipes, Health, Life, Holidays

While Brown would love to see a musical for the series finale, he ultimately has no idea what the producers are cooking in the writer’s room.</p>

“Probably when I’m filming, I won’t even know how it ends,” he admitted. “I know as much as you know. I really, really have no idea. And besides, they don’t want to tell me. I have a huge mouth.” With season 5 being the end of the beloved series, the creators of stranger things< /em></a>, the duffer brothers, have previously hinted at a spin-off</a>. Brown told the outlet that she’d love for someone else to take on the lead role from her, noting, “I’d love to see another 10-year-old bald girl get that opportunity. She’d help her navigate it.” “Only time will tell what’s to come for the series finale and possible spin-off. </p>

more pop culture:</strong></p>

devon is a breaking news writer at parade</em>, covering everything that’s hot in pop culture at any given time. he has also worked on various publications including collider </em>, looper </em> and young hollywood</em>.</p>

he received a bachelor’s degree in film studies with a minor in history from the university of pittsburgh, then earned a certificate in film and television development from ucla extension. </p>”,”issyndicatedtogoogleamp”:true,”editedtimestamp”:”2022-09-20t16:09:30z”,”authoringstatuscode”:”in_progress”,”issyndicatedtogooglenews”:false,”publicationstatus”:{” itemid”:”ci02a1e508b00024c5″,”updatedtimestamp”:”2022-08-22t21:42:38z”,”publicationtimestamp”:”2022-05-23t14:03:21z”,”statecode”:”published”,”siteid” :”cs029e8b3f300026f4″,”versiontopublishid”:”8″,”path”:”/author/devon-forward”,”slug”:”devon-forward”,”originalpublicationtimestamp”:”2022-05-23t14:03:21z “},”twitterusername”:”devonforward”,”createdtimestamp”:”2022-09-20t16:09:30z”,”path”:”/author/devon-forward”,”isworkinprogress”:false,”slug”: “devon-forward”,”isnofollow”:false,”primarycontentsiteid”:”cs029e8b3f300026f4″,”affliatedenabled”:true,”commentsenabled”:true,”objecttype”:”contentuserprofile”,”originalpublicationtimestamp”:”2022-05-23t14 :03:21z”,”versionid”:”8″,”exclusivecontenttype”:”free”,”statuscode”:”complete”,”publicationtimestamp”:”2022-05-23t14:03:21z”,”createdprincipalid”: “up02a1eb33d0002783″,”i sexclu dedfrompublishedstreams”:false,”id”:”ci02a1e508b00024c5″,”issyndicatedtoapp”:true,”disqusid”:”08ea0517-daa1-11ec-8ddd-0696e1962651″,”isnoindex”:false,”issyndicatedtofeed”:true,”primaryimageid ” :”ci02a96b4af00025f2″,”isexclusivecontent”:false,”monetizationstate”:{“value”:”monetizable”},”primarysiteid”:”cs029e8b3f300026f4″,”abspath”:” – forward”,”image”:{“src”:””,”width”: 60 ,”height”:60,”srcset”:” 320w, https:/ / 674w, 2ch_6 %2cq_auto:good%2cw_1022/mtkxodayndi4mjaxmzc5ndkx/img_0179.jpg 1022w”,”webpsrcset”:”htt ps://parade.c om/.image/c_fill%2ccs_srgb%2cg_face%2ch_60%2cq_auto:good%2cw_320/mtkxodayndi4mjaxmzc5ndkx/img_0179.webp 320w, 2ch_60%2cq_auto:7good%4cw_6 ” teaser”:”twitter had a lot to say about this.”,”affiliates enabled”:true,”monetizationstatus”:{“value”:”monetizable”},”primarysiteid”:”cs029e8b3f300026f4″ ,”featuredmedia”:{“alttext “:”July 09, 2020, Berlin: Different emojis are displayed on a tablet. meanwhile, among more than 3000 different emojis, you can find the right emoji for almost every occasion. photo: jΓΆrg carstensen/dpa”,”isreadonlycontent”:false,”title”:”gettyimages-1226007274″,”attribution”:{“sourcename”:”jΓΆrg carstensen/picture alliance via getty images”},”format”:” jpg”,”bytes”:3036603,”primaryphotoid”:”ci02adec31900024dd”,”createdtimestamp”:”2022-10-16t13:26:49z”,”primarycontentsiteid”:”cs029e8b3f300026f4″,”height”:3024,”cloudinaryversionid” :1665926807,”publicid”:”mtkzmdcwmdu2mtizndewmti4″,”objecttype”:”contentphoto”,”width”:4032,”hasfaces”:true,”createdprincipalid”:”up02a1eb33d0002783″,”id”:”ci02adec31900024dd”,”primarysiteid” :”cs029e8b3f300026f4″},”promotwitterteaser”:”twitter had a lot to say about it.”,”bodytml”:”

while emojis</a> Although it may seem like a quick way to communicate your feelings, they can also be easily misunderstood, especially when talking to multiple generations.</p>

generation z</a>, the youngest of the group of those who carry mobile phones, intervened in the 10 emojis that they would like to see eliminated and never used again : starting with the thumbs up emoji.</p>

according to an investigation carried out by perspectus global through yahoo!</a></em>, which consisted of interviewing 2,000 British people between 16 years and 29, there are 10 emojis that, when used in text messages</a>, make you look “old”.</p>

These include the thumbs up emoji (πŸ‘), red heart (❀️), thumbs up (πŸ‘Œ), check mark (βœ”οΈ), the poop emoji (πŸ’©), the crying face (😭), the monkey covering his eyes (πŸ™ˆ), the clapping hands (πŸ‘), the kiss or lip mark (πŸ’‹), and the grimacing face (😬 ).</p>

the 2021 study recently resurfaced thanks to an article in the daily mail</a></em> titled, “why no one should use the ‘thumbs up’ emoji in 2022.”</p>

the article also references a reddit</a> thread where someone asked: “am I not old enough to be comfortable with the ‘thumbs up’ emoji reaction?”</p>

responses varied according to the age of the person. </p>

one person said</a>, “why do you feel this is disturbing?…this is literally how I respond to 90% of messages.. .however, I’m almost 40 so I wonder if it’s a generational thing…”</p>

another important comment</a> also supported the idea that it was related to a generational divide, “for younger people (I’m 24 for reference) the thumbs up emoji is used to be really passive aggressive [sic]. it’s very rude if someone just sends you a like.”</p>

they concluded: “so it was also very difficult for me to adapt because my workplace is the same… all the people my age in the office do not, but gen x people always do.”</p>

after the daily mail </em>published his article, twitter was without it, as one person jokingly responded to the report, “this morning , i texted my friend to tell her i’d be late. she replied with a thumbs up emoji. i’ve been shaking ever since she sent it and had to go to my safe space to recover.”&lt ;/p&gt ;

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