
Hand Tattoos: Pros and Cons — Joby Dorr

Compared to other parts of the body, hands are washed and exposed to the elements more frequently. they also shed skin skills faster than other areas of the body and these factors can affect your tattoos

when applied correctly, tattoos on the hands will look beautiful for many years; however, hand tattoos are more prone to fading and developing light spots. For this reason, it is imperative that you find highly qualified tattoo artists to do your hand tattoos and follow up accordingly. close the care instructions.

Even in the best of circumstances, hand tattoos can require touch-ups. maybe even repeatedly. consider this part of the cost of getting a tattoo on your hand and accept it for what it is.

If you’re still unsure and determined to get a tattoo on your hand after reading about all the potential risks and complications involved, know that there are a few steps you can take to ensure they last as long as possible.

How do I take care of my tattoo on my hand?

After the allotted time is up and you remove the bandage from your new hand tattoo, you should wear gloves to protect them for the next week. latex or polyurethane gloves are recommended for this purpose.

The next most important thing for hand tattoo aftercare is to keep your hands hydrated at all times. you can use something more resistant until the tattoo begins the peeling process, such as petroleum jelly or aquaphor. after that, you can switch to a regular moisturizer or lotion.

For hand tattoos, it may be best to wash and moisturize with fragrance-free products while they heal. you don’t want something with harsher ingredients to interfere with the process, so simpler products are the way to go.

Here are some other tips to put into practice while your hand tattoo heals:

  • Do not wear rings until your tattoo is fully healed.

    keep your hands clean and hydrated.

    If you really want to ensure the longevity and quality of your tattoo, there are tattoo-specific soaps and moisturizers you can use.

    Now that you know how to properly care for yourself before and after getting a tattoo on your hand, let’s take a look at some of the tried and true products you can purchase to fully prepare yourself for the commitment of caring for it.

    what are the best aftercare products for hand tattoos?

    Although tattoos eventually become a permanent part of your skin, their maintenance differs from the rest of your epidermis. Here are some of the best tattoo aftercare products on the market today:

    • my personal favorite is pure coconut oil – make sure you get pure organic coconut oil! it is very easily absorbed into the skin, easily processed by your body, and because it is a single ingredient, there is less chance of a reaction or toxicity.

      aquaphor: This product is moisturizing and very versatile. can smooth rough skin on elbows and knees while moisturizing sensitive skin on lips and face. this will protect and heal your tattoo at an affordable price.

      aloe vera: this product is ideal for tattoos. It’s natural and absorbs quickly, so the tattoo won’t be wet for long. It is also known to relieve itching, burning, and inflammation, making it a perfect solution to all the side effects of a healing tattoo.

      hustle butter: this product is a great product if you want to refrain from buying products that harm the environment. this product is 100% vegan and still does its job flawlessly. it can be used at any stage of the tattooing process and is made specifically for tattoos.

      ora’s amazing tattoo balm: this product is oil based and made with organic ingredients in the united states. If you’re looking for ethical, locally grown products from smaller companies, this could easily become a staple in your tattoo aftercare arsenal.

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