
46 Evil Clown Tattoos and Their Mischievous and Dark Meanings – TattoosWin

clowns have been part of the culture for many centuries. In the days of the royal courts, clowns were known as buffoons, and could be easily identified by their colorful costumes and antics designed to make the audience laugh.

many took this to the extreme, ridiculing the kings and queens they were supposed to entertain, only to find they ended up having their heads lopped off for taking things too far.

Evil clown tattoos are all the rage today because they strike more than just fear into people who may already have this trepidation about clowns.

the story of the clowns

The court jester was brought to the king’s court to help bring a fun and playful side to the affairs of the day. it was common for a jester to be summoned to court to help improve morale in a group. those clowns would use any slapstick to try to elicit a response from the crowd, and if their tactics were unsuccessful, they would meet certain death.

Although these court jesters appeared on the surface to enjoy entertaining royalty, many times their evil sides spilled over as they mocked the court and everyone associated with it, including the king and queen.

These clowns are representative of jealousy, mockery and deceit.

hate for everything clowning

Some people just have this unmatched fear of clowns, and they’re especially concerned when the clown takes on an evil persona. Today, many body art lovers enjoy the idea of ​​causing their own mayhem by inking up evil clown tattoos.

These designs can be rendered to show the clown looking angry or sad, both with their own touch of evil just below the surface. Killer clown and gangster clown are all the rage right now because they play on the emotions of people who despise the clown to begin with, without adding a scary element, and the tattoo takes on a life of its own.

In these evil clown tattoos, the gangster clown is usually shown with a gun, a knife, excessive jewelry and a cigar. the killer clown is usually covered in blood and surrounded by skulls.

the meaning of the evil clown tattoos

The meanings associated with evil clown tattoos run the gamut of emotions. While they may be smiling on the surface to represent joy, happiness, laughter, and fun, just below the surface they represent despair, meanness, unhappiness, misery, and depression.

A person who has made many bad decisions in their life might get evil clown tattoos because to them it represents mistakes, incarceration and having lived a difficult life on the streets.

others just love the fact that the image scares those who are terrified of anything clowning, and like the ability to have some power to control from afar.

These tattoo designs are becoming more and more popular among both men and women. these are certainly images where the tattoo artist can have free rein to use vibrant colors to draw even more attention.

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