
35 Best Supernatural Tattoo Designs – Protect Yourself from Evil

In this modern society, tattoos have become very rampant, especially the supernatural tattoo because it has become a trend in style and fashion. Different people have the tattoo symbol for different reasons, such as remembrance of loved ones or an adventure.

However, in this article we will focus on the anti-possession tattoo that features a pentagon. The supernatural anti-possession tattoos that are on Sam and Dean are very popular and most people have questions about what the tattoos mean.

tattoos are to protect you from demonic possession. it is presented as a pentagram or an endless knot that means protection for those who have the symbol.

Famous people known to have these tattoo symbols are Sam and Dean Winchester who have appeared in the Supernatural series and wear them for protection. Both boys have these tattoos on their left upper arms that give them anti-demon possession.

tattoo can be negated if destroyed (burned). The investigation says that Dean still has the tattoo, but now he is invested to become a demon. Dean revealed that he planned to get the tattoo even before he appeared on the supernatural series.


why this is popular among supernatural series

The tattoos are very popular because they are believed to have anti-possession charms on the popular supernatural series stars Sam and Dean.

Its pentagon shape indicates that the tattoo offers the ultimate protection against demonic possession and people looking for that tend to have the symbol engraved on them. Some friends believe that these tattoos maintain their friendships; no demon can possess them to ruin their friendships.

fans of sam and dean are inspired by the process they went through to get their tattoos to get their own symbols from the same tattoo. People who are chased by angels or demons get these anti-possession tattoos to prevent spirits from hunting them down.

dean’s co-stars on the series “supernatural” have had encounters with sam and dean. there are some cases I can describe here:

  • A lady who was on a regular walk is attacked by three demons and guess who saves her life? sam and dean there are also outfits like pajamas that have the anti-obsession symbol drawn on them.
  • While in pajamas, the wearer is assured that no demon can attempt to haunt him as he is fully protected.

    • during a hunt, a man is possessed by demons and then dean and sam decide to get him an anti-possession tattoo to prevent him from being possessed by demons.
    • a woman runs her hands over dean’s skin and his skin begins to burn and blister in hot bubbles.
    • Cas decides to get the anti-possession tattoo, but Dean is worried that the Enochian Angel won’t be able to detect it.
    • variations of anti-possession tattoos

      These tattoos can have different meanings depending on the color, with wings or without wings. colors can be red, black or any of your favorite colors. most people have grayish tattoos because that’s the color that artists mostly use.

      When the tattoo is new it appears to be dark but as it ages it begins to turn green.

      wings tattoos look more attractive and visible and can be preferable for people who love visible tattoos. When the winged anti-possession tattoo is drawn on the back, it can cover the entire back from the shoulders to the lower abdomen.

      anti-possession tattoo locations

      Tattoos can be placed on various parts of the body. Most of the men place these tattoo symbols on the chest, legs, arms or back. women like symbols on the neck, chest, stomach, and groin area.

      For people who want the tattoos to be highly visible, they place them mainly on the arms or legs so they can be seen when wearing a tank top or shorts.

      For those who would like to hide their tattoos perhaps from parents or for fear of religious fanatics, they place the tattoo symbols on the chest or back.

      There are people who like to expose their tattoos and in this type they have the artist draw the tattoos on the exposed parts of the body such as the neck, face or lower arm.

      themed anti-possession tattoos

      Some tattoos are colored with some specific themes that have their own different meanings. people get themes based on their favorite colors or meaning.

      themes can be in different colors like pink, red, blue, green and many other colors and they all have a meaning attached to the anti-possession symbol. you can decide to get a theme of sibling faces or names.

      People have different reasons for having tattoos on their bodies. some keep them just for fun and beauty, while others seriously seek protection from demonic possession.

      Some people have been found with the anti-possession tattoo symbol, but they claim they don’t have it to ward off demons. but they have it only for beauty because they love its appearance.

      However, it is believed that whether you know the meaning of the tattoo or not, it plays a role in protecting you from demons or angels.

      having the symbols of the tattoo against evil can make people think of you as an agent of the devil or associate it with occult practices, so you should be prepared for such comments or assumptions.

      Getting a symbol tattoo on your skin can be quite painful, but if you have a source of inspiration for your tattoo, it gives you courage and strength to bear the pain during the process.

      one young lady said she was in so much pain that she almost gave up on the tattoo until she remembered her great inspiration which was sam and dean and she felt no more pain.

      Recapturing the process Sam and Dean went through to acquire the anti-possession tattoos made her forget all the pain.

      If you ever wanted to have the supernatural tattoo, now you must have made your choice from the plethora of designs. what follows is how you should care for it to keep it beautiful and represent the meaning you had for it.

      As said before, this is a symbol associated with protection and you should take good care of it. But first, why is it necessary to take care of your tattoo, especially during the first days after getting it done?

      • make sure the ink penetrates deeper into the skin. a new symbol is not well established in the skin and will need time. good aftercare will give it time to penetrate deeper into the skin and you’ll have it as long as you want.
      • supernatural tattoo (15)

        • Give it time to develop as you like. a new tattoo doesn’t have the exact shape you wanted. it takes time for it to take its final shape and good care will ensure that it does.
        • avoid infections. a tattoo becomes a part of you; it is like any other part of the body. needs attention to keep it infection-free. you won’t need to throw it away if you take good care of it.
        • aftercare tips for a supernatural tattoo

          • Choose a hygienic salon: There are many places where you can get tattooed, but not all of them are worth it. you need a place with high hygiene standards.
          • It’s very easy to get an infection simply because you carelessly chose a tattoo parlor, so be careful where you go.

            The stain with your symbol tends to become sensitive and therefore, you should avoid any type of irritation that can arise with tight clothing.

            • Limit exposure to sunlight: It’s a rule of thumb that you’ll want to show off your latest piece to your friends. but it may not be a good decision since sunlight is not friendly to ink, especially if you recently made the symbol.
            • Keep your tattoo covered when it’s new and you’ll have it forever and many more summers to show it off.

              • keep it clean: you won’t go swimming for a few days after your part is done, but you can shower to keep your body and symbol clean. all you have to do is keep the tattoo away from the flow of water.
              • You don’t have to rub it in either and you’ll have it for as long as you want.

                Your wish has been granted and now you know all about the magical supernatural symbol. you have the type you want and the meaning attached to it. you also know how to take excellent care of it after having it.

                keep your tattoo vibrant and fresh and it will remain not a work of art but a part of your body that you cherish.

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