
57 Inspiring Mental Health Tattoos With Meaning – Our Mindful Life

healing requires strength. and this list of mental health tattoos tell the perfect stories behind the fight against mental health illnesses.

Not everyone understands the struggles of people with mental health issues. just like a normal healthy person wouldn’t understand how asthma can’t breathe with so much air around. and that makes sense why mentally ill patients prefer to keep quiet about their problems.

This is why mental health tattoos make bold statements. Instead of pretending to be okay, users choose to be honest with their feelings. and they make others with similar struggles feel less alone. Whether it’s anxiety, depression or other mental disorders, these tattoos send a clear message: mental health is also health.

And you don’t have to be a patient to get a mental health tattoo. Some of these tattoos are reminders to embrace your feelings. some tell a personal story. scroll forward. And if you resonate with the following tattoos, consider them your next ink.

Disclaimer: This mental health tattoo collection is for inspiration only. please do not copy the artwork. If you love these tattoos, follow the artists and show them some support.

deep mental health tattoos with meaning

don’t stop healing


This neck tattoo is the most empowering commitment one can make for oneself. Of course, healing is not linear and there can be twists and turns. but as long as you don’t give up, you’ll be there.

see the good


Things may not always be good. but there is something good in everything.



it’s okay to feel, learn, make mistakes and start over. This cute tattoo leaves a blank space to fill in. what is your answer?

open heart, open mind

keep an open mind and heart. and you will invite good vibes and positivism to life.

lose control: an abstract tattoo on the thigh


Sometimes the more you try to control everything, the less you can control. but when you learn to let go, you stress less. and allow your creativity to flow. This illustrative conceptual tattoo perfectly captures the idea on the skin.

see the good: an inspiring tattoo on the shoulder blade


The moth represents passion and change in spiritual terms. In a world of darkness, a moth will find its way to the light. A moth tattoo is a reminder that there is always hope despite the difficulties one is going through.

not good

The beauty of white ink is that it only shows up under ultraviolet light. This quote tattoo plays with traditional and white ink. says, “I’m fine.” but when you look under an ultraviolet light, it becomes “I’m broken.”

demonstrates the user’s hidden mental struggles, which is sadly the same thing many people experience.

go with your heart: a creative forearm tattoo


your instinct, your instincts are more powerful than you imagine. Trusting your intuition is trusting yourself. When you find yourself overthinking or overanalyzing, why not go back to basics and listen to your heart?

mixed feelings


Emotions are complicated. you can feel happy and sad, confident and scared at the same time. As confusing as it can be, it’s perfectly normal. learn to observe them and embrace them. your feelings are also part of you.

it’s okay not to be okay


In this ignorant style tattoo, the heart is stabbed in a dozen different spots and bleeding. but she still says, “I’m fine.” This is what people with mental illness usually do: hide their problems and pretend to be fine.

But you can’t heal by hiding your wound. so talk it over with a professional or someone you trust. this could be the first step of your healing journey.

be strong

Mental strength comes with practice. you can learn to be strong, as noted in this tattoo.

hug every side of you


every version of you is part of you. so whether you feel good or bad right now, you’re being you. and there is nothing wrong with it.

a deep tattoo that shows what it’s like to have bipolar disorder


It’s okay if you don’t always understand how your mind works. and it is not necessary. listen to what your mind has to tell you.

a spiral tattoo that represents the inner battle


A common misconception about mental health illness is that healing is linear. you take pills, go see therapists, and be cured once and for all.

In reality, people who suffer from anxiety, depression or other mental health problems struggle with them for a long time. healing comes and goes. one can feel ecstatic today but moody tomorrow.

The spiral tattoo is an excellent reminder that the internal mass is more challenging than its external appearance. and we should never judge someone’s journey by how peaceful it appears to be.

just hanging


Depression does not always translate into sadness. sometimes it’s just numbness, not feeling sad or happy. this tattoo perfectly portrays what it is to be emotionally numb: you feel disconnected from reality, hanging, watching, but not facing the situation.

if only there was a button


but that button doesn’t exist. This tattoo is a great reminder to be kind to yourself during mood swings. the last thing you want to do is blame yourself for being emotional or weak.

a tattoo to detoxify your brain


Mental wellness doesn’t mean feeling happy all the time. and absolutely not equal to forced positivity. when you don’t allow yourself to feel bad or unmotivated, it prevents you from accepting your true self.

a small tattoo that reflects the mental struggle


For some people, “being happy” is easier said than done. don’t blame anyone for being in a bad mood. we all have a story we don’t tell.

“this too shall pass”: quote tattoo with semicolon


Just because you have a bad day doesn’t mean you have a bad life. storms will always pass and no feeling is final. just like the semicolon, if you choose to continue, your story isn’t over yet.

Also read: 32 meaningful semicolon tattoos for survivors of mental health illnesses

brain fog

sometimes a new idea lurks in the fog. let yourself be confused, lose yourself and feel how you feel.

a tattoo to get rid of stress


In real life, you may not be able to get rid of stress as easily as shown in this tattoo. but it’s a reminder to let go of what you can’t control.

the pills of happiness


focus on the good and the good gets better.

still waiting


two crossed fingers represent the wish for good luck. If you’ve been feeling down, getting such a positive tattoo can change your mood.

the mental health campaign


At first glance, the campaign doesn’t seem to have anything to do with mental health awareness. But now it is the symbol of mental health in the United States that has a deep meaning.

According to the organization, nursing homes used to bind mentally ill patients with chains and shackles. it was not until the 1950s that this cruel act was abandoned.

but today, mental health patients still struggle with invisible chains: misunderstandings, rejections and discrimination. the bell serves as a reminder to raise awareness in the community while taking care of our own mental health.

under the mask


You don’t need to fake a smile or pretend to be okay when you’re not. validate your feelings because they are part of you.

do not doubt yourself: a minimalist tattoo on the thigh


Doubts about oneself kill more dreams than failures. learn to silence your negative self-talk and replace it with affirmations.

Also read: 29 motivational phrases to stop doubting yourself

“how are you feeling today”: a cute but meaningful tattoo


Our emotion makes us human, and it’s okay to feel sad, overwhelmed, or unmotivated. but your value has nothing to do with how you feel. you are loved, capable, and strong even when you feel moody.

a smiley face to cheer you up when you need a ride


and this little finger tattoo will always smile back. sometimes that’s all you need on a bad day.

the happy chemists


Serotonin is one of the “happy chemicals.” stabilizes mood and brings joy. people who suffer from anxiety or depression have a lower level of serotonin. this cute molecule tattoo can pump some extra serotonin into your body and cheer you up if you’re feeling down.

a dopamine tattoo behind the ear

Another happy chemical is dopamine. it is a neurotransmitter that helps us focus and feel happy. This small tattoo on the back of the ear will represent your positive personality.


excessive thinkers


thinking too much kills joy and creativity. ruminating on the past or worrying about the future does not change the present. Let go of what you cannot control. and focus on what you can.

time to recharge: a simple battery tattoo

Taking some time off to recharge is productive. honor your needs.

healing is a process


You probably won’t feel great on day 1 of your recovery process. in fact, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or other mental illnesses will come back and haunt you from time to time. healing is not linear, but time is powerful. when you look back in a week or 6 months, you’ll be proud that you took the first step.

vulnerability is the new forte


When was the last time you cried? and because? Whether it’s a loss or a breakup, crying is nothing to be ashamed of. We all deal with heartbreak differently, and crying is one of many ways. instead of bottling, create a safe place to let your emotions out. it can be your room, nature or someone you can trust.

a semicolon tattoo for survivors of mental illness


You are stronger than you think you are. embrace your fighting spirit.

tattoo of a bumblebee


bees are not a common symbol of mental health. but bee tattoos can have different meanings and stories. a bee’s wings are relatively small compared to the body.

but they can still beat 230 times per second and create enough lift to fly. it is proof that no matter how small we consider ourselves, we must never undermine our strength.

love is not always the answer


If love has hurt you a lot, it’s okay not to want it in your life now. give yourself time and space to heal.

semicolon tattoo for the tough soul


Small tattoos can be empowering. This “still here” wrist tattoo is a badge of honor for survivors of mental illness.

self-love is the best love: a feminine tattoo on the forearm


This beautiful abstract tattoo is the best reminder of self-love. you can be a million things: crazy, silly, creative and amazing at the same time. beauty is not about pretending to be someone else. it’s about finding your authentic self and letting your qualities shine.

butterflies inside the arm


butterfly tattoos have several meanings. In couple tattoos, the butterfly is often seen as a symbol of compatibility. Individually, butterflies represent rebirth and strength.

Born as a caterpillar, a butterfly must go through radical transformations to fly. it’s a reminder that storms will pass and it will make us stronger.

do not treat frog tattoo


because you don’t need to solve all your problems in one day.

you don’t know my story


Not all chapters in life are read aloud. If you know someone who is struggling, support them with acceptance and kindness.

cloudy mind

sometimes the worst place to be is in your head.

no feeling is final


No one is alone in the fight against mental illness. If the pain doesn’t go away, talk to a therapist or find treatments that work for you. seeking help is the beginning of regaining strength.

the fight that is never told


You may feel like you’re in a black hole and no one understands your pain. but you are not the only one. Expressive mental health tattoos like this one connect people and make everyone feel less alone.

social media overload


What you see on social media isn’t always real. This black and gray tattoo shows how much pressure social media has put on us. if you’re stressed with the unrealistic standards pushed by social platforms, maybe it’s a good idea to unfollow and uninstall.

say what you think


Unfortunately, love is not always what keeps us in a relationship. sometimes it can be the fear of not knowing someone better, or of breaking someone’s heart. If a relationship doesn’t create joy or inspire growth, it’s not healthy for either of you. it is your responsibility to trust your feelings and cut out what no longer serves you.

a quote tattoo for overthinkers


Also read: 42 Overthinker Quotes You Can Too Relate To

it’s all in your head

time to leave


sometimes you don’t need more to solve your problems. you need less: less toxic people, less guilt, less musing… this little button tattoo can help you end a downward spiral.

always see the good in each day


Sometimes you are one decision away from living a better life. and that decision may simply be to believe that today is a good day. what you believe, you manifest.

Also read: 44 phrases of encouragement to encourage yourself or someone

why blue – a beautiful script tattoo

be brave


if you can’t overcome fear, do it with fear.

seize the day


carpe diem means “seize the day” in Latin. reflects the wearer’s life philosophy of living in the moment. This quote tattoo on the side of the neck is not only a beautiful adornment but also a powerful message.

you are not lost

The worst thing one can be is to have it all figured out early in life. explore, make mistakes, go on adventures. if you don’t abandon the old ways, you will never know what else awaits you.

a deep poetry tattoo

unknown origin

You are stronger than you think you are.

different and beautiful

If you feel like you don’t fit in, you’re probably standing out. the things that make you weird are the same things that make you special.


Which of these mental health tattoos resonates with you?

share your thoughts in the comment. If you have a tattoo that raises mental health awareness, tag us @_ourmindfullife on instagram to be featured.

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