
300 Best New School Tattoo Designs For Men (2022) – TattoosBoyGirl

new school tattoo art originated in the 1970s in the usa. But it took some time for this tattoo style to cross borders and become a global phenomenon. The birth of new school tattoo art was inevitable as old school tattoo art was becoming mundane and boring. old-school artists kept information, such as how different tattoos were inked, secret.

protection of information resulted in less interest in future artists and therefore in an overall loss of income in the tattoo industry. The golden decade of the 1970s brought a new wave of attitude to the tattoo industry as artists became more outspoken and progressive. These artists were not only breaking the traditional rules of tattoo styles and inking new art, but they were open to sharing this information even with their competitors.

New school tattoo art soon found a devoted fan base among the younger generation. The main reason for the success of new school tattoo art was that it was not afraid to try new subjects. artists were breaking boundaries and inking their versions of culturally significant modern elements. tattoo options ranged from disney movie characters to alternate history and the steampunk era as well.

In the late 1970s, new school tattoos established themselves as a popular tattoo style that will remain for decades to come. every tattoo artist was learning the rules of new school tattoos. Since the tattoo style was popularized by studios in California, therefore, many tattoo shops came forward and described how to distinguish a new school tattoo from an old school or irezumi and folk art.

The first thing these studios established was that there were no set rules for new school tattoo art. this was because the art itself was born out of breaking the rules of old school tattooing. the only common noticeable patterns were the use of bold colors with thick outlines and in an exaggerated manner.

The birth of new school tattoo art is not given to just any tattoo artist. Today, there are many popular tattoo artists (such as Duda Lozano from Brazil) who specialize in new school tattoos. Doubt even went viral on Instagram in 2016 after he shared his new school-style Alice in Wonderland tattoo.

difference between old school tattoos and new school tattoos

old school tattoo style relied heavily on black outlines and a limited color palette. new school tattoos, on the other hand, focused on bold color designs, exaggerated designs, and heavy outlines.

Tattoo artists kept the art of old-school tattooing a secret for fear of stiff competition. New school tattoo art brought openness among artists sharing knowledge with peers and even competitors.

new school tattoo meanings

New school tattoos refer to the style of tattooing and not to a particular design. therefore, the meanings of new school tattoos depend on the chosen design itself. millions of tattoos fall under the new school tattoo umbrella.

If you are going to choose a new school tattoo art, it may mean that you are an open-minded person who is not afraid to experiment. it will also show that you believe that sharing is caring. you believe that together we can overcome our limits and take our society beyond the imagination of science fiction authors.

new school tattoo placement

New school tattoos are inked in medium to large sizes. Although you may come across many small designs, in my opinion a large new school tattoo stands out more than a smaller one. the chest is an easier option to ink with new school ink, but if you want to get creative and challenge yourself, try a large design around the curves of the forearm.

here we have selected over 300 new school tattoo designs that will suit both men and women. Please note that we have focused on the style of the tattoo and not the design itself.

new school tattoo ideas

Japanese new school tattoos

new school tattoo schemes


When it comes to choosing new school tattoos, the sky is the limit. There are infinite designs and it is almost impossible to choose the best design. you can share this post on facebook and pinterest and ask your friends about their favorite design from this photo gallery.

references: new school tattoo art

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