
39 Odin Tattoo – Spectacular Design Ideas with Meaning

We’ve all heard of the fearless Vikings. The word “Viking” is of Old Norse (Scandinavian) origin, and its closest meaning is “pirate raid”. During their estimated existence between the late 8th and early 11th centuries, the Vikings were primarily known for raiding and pillaging northwestern Europe. They would eventually take control and establish themselves in those areas.

There are many popular figures that emanate from the Vikings. However, one of the best known in Norse culture and mythology is ‘Odin’, the “king of the gods”. Today, Odin’s mystical appeal in pop culture stems from his image as an honorable commander and leader on the front lines. His incredible values ​​have led many tattoo enthusiasts to become fans of Odin, Norse heritage and Norse mythology in general and consider getting an Odin tattoo or symbol.

Ask any professional tattoo artist, and you’ll get instant confirmation that Viking and Norse mythology tattoos have always been popular. His popularity saw the biggest revival and surge after the popular television series Vikings and the release of all four Marvel movies in the Thor franchise. Through Odin’s role in developing the Norse universe and being known as the “Giver of Life”, he became associated with many traits. These were traits that characterized his values ​​and his personality. Some of these are kingship, wisdom, healing, hanging, and death. Furthermore, the recognition of his fearless, noble and honorable role as a leader maintains the knowing traits of him; knowledge of war, battle and victory; a sorcerer; and a poet.

In this article, I have showcased 39 of the most impressive Odin tattoo designs on the internet. The source/artist is mentioned next to each design. The symbolism and meaning behind these Odin tattoos are also mentioned. Through the article, images, and FAQ, you will learn what makes this Norse mythological figure so powerful yet complicated.

Odin Tattoo [Collection of 39 Amazing Designs]

Be Of the better-known Norse gods, Odin’s fighting method was considered crude, fierce, and insane. His behavior was aggressive. Known as the master of beasts, animals such as wolves and bears often accompanied Odin in his battles. Odin had spoken wisdom, the largest representation of which is the tattoos below depicting him with an empty eye socket. He sacrificed an eye for wisdom. Nowadays Odin tattoos are popular mainly among men; however, it’s not uncommon for female fans to have them too.

Without further ado, here are 39 stunning Odin tattoos that will blow your mind:

#1. Realistic Odin Tattoos

Realistic tattoos are usually inked in black and grey, but there are some good color options as well. The photo-like images of Odin in tattoos below show an amazing vintage representation of Odin. Experienced tattoo artists who know Norse heritage and mythology would be the people to go to get that photorealism tattooed on your body.

Source: @yeezytattoo_lio via Instagram

Source: @spectre_tattoos via Instagram

Source: @nicolaspineyrotattoos via Instagram

#2. Stylized Odin Tattoos

These tattoos are not realistic like the ones above. However, they do create a stunning and striking illusion of Odin that looks awesome as a tattoo.

  • Black work tattoo

Instead of creating realistic depth by diluting black ink to create a true photographic image representation using shades of gray, black tattoos use negative space to create the image. This is a more stylized form of tattoo art. The artist contrasts negative spaces (skin breaks) with deep, extended areas of black ink. This technique is more durable. The ink won’t fade easily and the effect you get will be artistic while maintaining the look you’ve come to expect from Odin’s personality.

Source: @mihailognyanov via Instagram

  • Dot Tattoo

The illusion of a complete image of Odin is perfected through this tattoo piece that uses the dot technique. In dot tattooing, artists can achieve a highly precise and technical impressionistic result by tactfully placing thousands of unique dots. This style works wonders with characters related to history or mythology.

Source: @d.trinity_tattoo via Instagram

#3. Odin tattoos with his companions

A tattoo artist who has enough knowledge and experience in Norse mythology should be able to help you with deeper images of the Norse universe. For example, instead of the usual black and gray portraits of Odin, you can opt for tattoo designs featuring Odin’s popular companions, such as his wolves, ravens, and horses.

  • Odin’s wolves tattoos

According to Norse mythology, the two wolves of the god Odin, Freki and Geri, accompany. The meaning of their names in Old Norse is “ravenous” or “greedy”. These ferocious wolves feed on all those who lie or deceive Odin. Odin and his wolves tattoos symbolize protection more than anything else.

Source: @euphoriatattoos via Instagram

Source: @woollooolootattoostudio via Instagram

Source: @ skvorec13 via Instagram

  • Odin’s raven tattoos

Odin has two ravens, named Huginn and Muninn , which accompany him everywhere. They sit on your shoulders and whisper all the news in your ear based on what they see and hear. As intelligent birds, they offer the perfect companion for Odin, who is also incredibly wise and intelligent. Odin tattoo designs featuring ravens represent a connection to nature and a global mindset.

Source: @alper_tattooartist via Instagram

Source: @villagetattoowaldorf via Instagram

Source : @chris_swenski_tattoo via Instagram

  • Odin’s horse tattoo

The name of Odin’s eight-legged horse that he rides into battle is Sleipnir. Sleipnir, meaning “gliding”, refers to the ability to glide between worlds. This horse (or steed) is born from Loki, with a special ability to traverse the nine worlds of the Norse cosmos. Getting a tattoo of Odin riding his horse symbolizes strength, speed, guarantee of eternal life, perception, travel and supremacy.

Source: @ ra0stattoo via Instagram

# 4. Odin Symbol Tattoos

There are several symbols associated with Odin. Here are some of them:

  • Odin and Fenrir Fighting Tattoos

Fenrir is a gigantic wolf-like beast of the norse mythology . He is the son of the trickster Loki and Angrboða, who is eventually chained by the Gleipnir thread chain created by the dwarves. Ultimately, Fenrir is freed at Ragnarok, after which he eats the god Odin. In the turn of events, he is killed by Odin’s son, Vidar. Tattoos with Odin and Fenrir represent strength and loyalty. Most designs featuring this violent beast will show him breaking free of his chains and going out to kill Odin and the gods of Asgard.

Source: @carneirodimas via Instagram

Source : via Instagram

Source: @renatovision via Instagram

  • Odin’s spear tattoos

The spear of the god Odin is called Gungnir, which means “he who swings” or “trembles”. It is also known as “The Spear of Heaven”. It is a magic weapon that always hits the target. Created from sunlight by dwarves, Odin can always rely on this weapon to offer him protection in both the spirit and physical worlds. So there’s a good case for why a spear tattoo is incredibly sought after.

Source: @skinlabel_tattoo_studio via Instagram

Source: @crasny.alex via Instagram

Source: @trinfuly via Instagram

  • Horned triskelion tattoos

The horn triskelion or triple Horn of Odin is a symbol of wisdom and poetic inspiration. This tattoo is an amazing option for anyone who operates with a constant quest for more and more knowledge and wisdom. It is also often perceived as a devotion to the God Odin.

Source: @alienphonetattoo via Instagram

Source: @zele.tetoviranje via Instagram

Source: @pikoruatat via Instagram

  • Odin

    • Black Odin

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