
Tattoo Ideas Inspired By The Great Outdoors – Self Tattoo

Looking to nature for inspiration for your next tattoo? There are so many different environments to be amazed at in the world, from the unforgiving desert to the green forests and the mighty ocean.

Each habitat has its own set of inhabitants, including complex animals and interesting plants, some of which have symbolism that transcends the physical realm.

This symbolism can be related to specific circumstances and situations that people have experienced. therefore, many decide to get permanent reminders in the form of tattoos.

first, dive into the ocean.

ocean inspired tattoos

Whether you love it or fear it, you can’t deny the power of the ocean. even the smell of salt water that gets stronger as you travel towards the coast builds anticipation. many humans even feel an inexplicable pull toward the ocean, which some theorize is a response to a stage in our evolutionary journey.

The theory is that modern humans had an “aquatic ape” phase of evolution.

“The aquatic ape theory states that our ancestors once spent a significant portion of their lives in the water. presumably the earliest apes ate plants and fruits in tropical forests. early hominids also ate aquatic foods; at first mainly weeds and tubers, later coastal animals, especially molluscs”,

If you’re drawn to the ocean and love spending hot summer days by the shore, a wave tattoo might be for you.

wave tattoo

Large crashing waves or simple ripples lapping ashore, the ocean can take many forms as it approaches land. A rough seas tattoo can represent life and strength.

If you want to simplify your tattoo, you can go for a single wave tattoo.

“The water element represents compassion, adaptability and sensitivity. the single wave is the best way to express your alignment with the qualities of the water element”,

When it comes to mini wave tattoo placement, a good rule of thumb is to go for an area that is also small, such as the wrist or ankle. this way, you won’t have a lot of white space around your design.

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  • small ankle tattoo ideas

If you prefer to keep your feet firmly on the ground and want your tattoo to represent it, look to what lies between the sand for inspiration.

shell tattoo

If you’re looking for a super cute tattoo that doesn’t take up a lot of space, a seashell tattoo could be for you.

plus, it’s a responsive design: you can keep it simple by opting for a thin black outline, or you can incorporate colors. Pink and blue watercolor splashes within the black lines of a seashell tattoo can add a whimsical, fairytale feel to your ink.

  • 5 mini watercolor tattoo ideas

There is no single meaning behind a seashell tattoo. It can simply represent her love for the ocean and remind her of days at the beach with her family and friends. it can also symbolize protection, as the hard exterior of a shell protects the small animals that call it home.

“Another cool meaning you can use with a seashell tattoo is prosperity. In the past, seashells were used as currency around the world, so they are great symbols of success.”

If you’re fascinated by the creatures that call the ocean home, there are plenty to draw inspiration from, two of which are the dolphin and the octopus.

dolphin tattoo

Because of its playful nature, a dolphin tattoo can represent fun and a free spirit. but let’s not forget how smart they are.

“Dolphins have many intelligent behaviors. They are extremely social animals with complex communication and relationships. Dolphins can pass information between generations, teaching skills to their extended family!”

a jumping dolphin tattoo can represent your spontaneity and joy; You can also get a pod of dolphins tattooed to symbolize your love for family.

  • Should you get a sea creature tattoo?

octopus tattoo

Another marine animal that stands out for its intelligence is the octopus. in fact, they are known as the most intelligent invertebrates in the world. This sea creature can do things like climb out of tanks back into the ocean, they have been known to use rocks as weapons, and can even make tools out of shells.

Different cultures around the world attribute different symbolism to octopuses. In Japanese folklore, there is a huge octopus monster that has a leading role.

“The akkorokamui is dangerous, but has incredible powers including healing and religious knowledge. A Japanese-style octopus tattoo symbolizes intelligence or savagery, there is no middle ground. so if you are deciding to get a Japanese style octopus tattoo, you should choose to show the light side or the dark side of this extraordinary creature of the deep”,

  • octopus tattoos: inspiration & meaning

Octopuses are also a popular subject in Polynesian tattoo culture. however, the meaning behind Polynesian tattoos has a lot to do with what the tattooed person needs to improve within himself.

“therefore, Polynesian octopus tattoo meanings should be deeply personal to how you want to improve. One meaning could be overcoming fears that are relentless and holding you back.”

Because tribal tattoos are rooted in the cultural practices of specific groups of people, these designs should not be taken lightly. do your research before getting any type of tribal tattoo.

  • tribal tattoos and their meanings

desert inspired tattoos

While a desert may seem like a harsh and unforgiving place on the surface, look a little deeper and you’ll be able to explore a complex web of life that can inspire incredible body art.

cactus tattoo

Cacti are fascinating plants. Native to the Americas, cacti are perfectly adapted to thrive in the heat and dryness of the desert.

doesn’t need a lot of water (in fact, if you have a cactus at home, it’s better to water it under water than over water) as it is able to store moisture in its roots, leaves and stems, and can regulate its own water intake foods.

As such, a cactus tattoo can symbolize resilience and independence.

“people who have overcome obstacles or who have gone through big changes in their lives usually get a cactus tattoo to represent their toughness or to remember to adapt and grow like the cactus”,

oasis tattoo

Although plants and animals have evolved to resist the desert environment, it is still a harsh place. but, it’s not just endless sand. the desert offers visitors a respite in the form of an oasis.

palm trees, a transparent pond, fruits – what better place to relax?

A desert oasis tattoo can symbolize security and peace. it can be a reminder to take a moment to reflect and react to the sometimes difficult conditions of moving forward.

An oasis tattoo doesn’t have to be big just because it’s so detailed. you can opt for a small and delicate tattoo.

however, it’s important to get tattooed by an artist with experience in this style. Smaller tattoos with fine lines can be a challenge, as the thinner the lines, the easier it is to see mistakes and the harder it is to correct them.

If you want a picturesque view of an oasis with its bright hues, then it’s important to know what exactly you’re getting into with a color tattoo. the lighter the color, the faster it tends to fade. so take extra care of your ink by putting on a layer of sunscreen when you go out.

camel tattoo

often when you think of a desert, you think of camels. these are strong, hardy creatures that can walk thousands of miles in the scorching desert heat. therefore, a camel tattoo can symbolize a journey.

“The image of the physical journey and movement can also represent the idea of ​​life as a long journey and the path we must take to achieve our dreams and goals. a camel tattoo can therefore signify a journey into the unknown and the adventures that may occur along the way.”

When traveling great distances in a harsh environment, you must have the courage to keep taking one step after another and have faith that you can reach your destination. A camel tattoo can speak to this by representing the resilience and bravery required to embark on a journey of self-discovery and change.

  • Tattoos to celebrate life’s journeys: growth, change and new beginnings

forest-inspired tattoos

tree tattoo

There are many different types of trees, many with their own specific symbolism. the tree of life represents the connection between heaven and earth. A willow tattoo can signify flexibility and strength as you can adapt to your surroundings and thrive. a cherry tree in blossom can be a reminder of detachment.

Instead of a single tree, you can get a forest tattoo. the inking of a forest can represent mystery and adventure.

“traditionally, the forest has come to represent loss, exploration, as well as the mystery that happens around us and within us”,

A forest tattoo can be a good design to wrap around a location, making it perfect for the wrist, forearm, or calf.

You can incorporate different woodland creatures into your woodland tattoo to make it more detailed, such as a wolf or an owl.

  • 5 tree tattoos and their meanings

wolf tattoo

A wolf can be the perfect addition to your forest tattoo, especially if themes of protection, strength, and loyalty mean something to you.

“Native Americans viewed the wolf as a totem animal or spirit sent to help guide us through life, symbolizing loyalty and perseverance. In the legends, the wolf had great powers granted by the great spirit. wolves also had the power to transform into people”,

Because wolves hunt in packs and tend to mate for life, a wolf tattoo could also represent family ties.

  • the symbolism and meaning of a wolf tattoo

bear tattoo

Bears are one of the most common residents of America’s forests. While many of these bears may seem cuddly (like a teddy bear!), these creatures should never be underestimated. they are extremely strong and protective.

“the bear is associated with many powerful and positive characteristics: primordial power, sovereignty, intuition and instinct,”

werewolf tattoo

If you’re looking for a wolf tattoo that’s more on the mythical side of the spectrum, delve into 19th century gothic literature and beyond to explore werewolf stories.

Nowadays, werewolves have become more than just evil characters. a werewolf tattoo can symbolize the strength and beast within all of us.

“Those who decide to get werewolf tattoos are not afraid of conflict. these are the kind of people you will want to work with, as they are ambitious, determined and most importantly, persistent”,

  • halloween inspired tattoos

owl tattoo

Owls are often associated with wisdom and insight, not only intellectually, but also spiritually.

“Although most associate owls with intellectual wisdom, they are actually connected to the wisdom of the soul. his ability to see in the dark symbolizes the idea of ​​seeing past illusions and deceptions”,

Owls are also associated with intuition due to their nocturnal habits and connection to the moon.

“…owls live in darkness, magic, mystery and ancient knowledge of the night.”

  • the meaning and symbolism of an owl tattoo

moon tattoo

when the sun goes down, the only light available deep in the forest is the moon. a full or crescent moon can be a great addition to a forest-themed tattoo, or as a simple tattoo on its own.

A moon tattoo can mean different things depending on what phase it is in. a full moon can represent letting go of things that no longer serve you, while a crescent moon can symbolize desires and intentions.

  • Moon tattoos: different phases and symbolism

There are so many different habitats to explore around the world, each with its own fascinating ecosystem. From the animals that call these spaces home to the plants that thrive here, there is so much to feel a connection with in nature, making the great outdoors the ideal place to wander for tattoo inspiration.

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