
Top 41 Best Rib Tattoo Ideas [2021 Inspiration Guide]

There are countless concepts to explore, adapt and represent when choosing a rib tattoo. From minimalist designs and simple quote tattoos, to realistic rib tattoos or those that explore religious themes, the rib cage is a bold area to make a tattoo statement.

Any application or thematic concept can be applied to make a successful rib tattoo. it is your expression and art that the tattoo artist brings to life.

Doing it as a tattoo on the sternum or on the side of the body in a place that tends to be more painful than most, makes it look good and is worth the discomfort. take a moment to look at this cage tattoo gallery collection designed to help you get inspired for your next tattoo idea.

1. abstract rib tattoo ideas

Masculine Ribcage Tattoos

if it is a representation of air, then it is the most elegant and dark piece of air. there are so many ways to interpret this body art and it could even be meant to cover blemishes on the skin. whatever it is, the user and the artist did a great job on its mystique and the anonymity of its subject.

Abstract Tattoo Side Fantasy City For Men

Colorful Rib Tattoo Man

Graffiti Tattoo Rib Cage On Men

when street art meets body art. the color is incredibly festive, bright by depicting bright orange and cool blue so there can be a sense of balance and cohesion. This rib tattoo is multidimensional and uses black for the outlines and the darker shade of orange for the depth.

Tattoos For Men On Ribs

Abstract and 3d tattoo rib designs make great tattoo art when applied with skill and a sense of adventure. these designs veer towards geometric patterns, abstract high art concepts, and the juxtaposition of light and dark, color and shadow. They are fantastic stand-alone pieces of tattoo art.

2. rib tattoo ideas with religious themes

Warrior Rib Cage Tattoo Designs


This men’s side tattoo of this brave and courageous guardian angel executed in black and gray ink, finely outlined and shaded mimicking that of a sketch. the archangel raguel, the angel of fairness, harmony and justice. gives strength to those who fight against injustice.

Amazing Men

This is a great collection of religiously themed Chicano tattoos. outlined in fine black lines, softly shaded but with just enough definition to bring out the lifelike characters depicted in this large and bold culture-influenced creation. Portrait of the beautiful woman, her lovely face turned up in supplication, softly veiled, to reveal a contoured cheekbone and jaw along with delicately painted eyes complete the ethereal look.


This piece is brimming with symbolic meaning and is characterized by the bold dark lines present between the Chicano pieces. It is a sizable side and rib tattoo piece that talks about his spiritual journey, specifically focusing on blind faith. the illustration is heavily outlined in black, then shaded inside with details to make it look more realistic.

Cool Men

In this side tattoo, the artist cleverly uses negative space to reveal the shapes of the roses and the winged angel. it is softly shaded and lightly feathered with the needles so as not to produce harsh lines when the viewer transitions to the entirety of the side piece. the “forever” text is the only part that is deeply saturated in black ink to ensure that the eyes are immediately drawn to the location of the tattoo.


This is an amazing side and ribcage tattoo that ventures into photorealism. from the dark clouds in the background to the ray of light coming out of the sky as a background for the highly detailed flying angel shape. to this design the artist added another angel more detailed than the first. it’s a great tattoo design.

Tree Men

often incorporated with chest tattoo designs, religious iconography such as the virgin mary, crosses and praying hands tattoos are also popular for body art on the ribs and side of the chest, or incorporated into body art style Chicano that is full of meaning, iconography, and personal stories.

3. asian influenced rib tattoo designs

Bird Rib Tattoos Men

In Chinese mythology, the Nian was a hideous beast that was believed to feast on human flesh on New Year’s Day. the workmanship is outstanding with finely engraved details from top to bottom. her face looks sinister enough to play the part of the beast. the feet, with long nails and stubby toes, also look lethal, and the piece is shaded with highlights and outline to add depth and added dimension.

Cool Design Ideas For Men

These Japanese ribcage symbols are beautifully etched into the side of the body, with strokes mimicking elegant ink-dipped calligraphy. the black ink is deeply saturated to create a striking contrast with the pale skin of the canvas. the symbol roughly translates to “sleep”.

Right Side Rib Dragon Tattoo For Men

Rib Cage Tattoos For Men

This versatile Japanese-style quarter piece bodysuit is striking as a symbol of beauty and strength, utilizing the lotus flower. details are packed from every angle and into every nook and cranny of the idea. In ancient Japanese tradition, these lovely flower tattoo concepts symbolize wealth, good fortune, and prosperity, while also representing that receiving great rewards only comes through great risks.

Side Rib Tattoos Men

Choosing a Japanese or Asian themed rib tattoo design is a huge investment in skin modification and a commitment to cost and the number of hours required to execute it. what is distinctive about Asian styles is symbolically meaningful content, bold outlines, and an illustrative style of shading where depth and dimension have been added with vibrancy.

4. tribal rib body art

Manly Ribcage Tattoos For Men

This warrior human canvas must be really brave to include the lower shoulder and rib area. this tribal piece is delicately executed. it looks clean, precise, the segments are evenly spaced and the contrast of the black and negative space is distributed well throughout the tattoo. This tribal tattoo is custom made and designed specifically for the client revealing his story and his aspirations.


This is a beautiful illustration of a beautiful woman adorned in a Native American headdress in a traditional American tattoo style with its bold lines and vibrant colors. her head piece is a symbol of honor, courage and status symbol. the dream catcher to ensure this lovely lady sleeps peacefully.

Tribal tattoo designs tell the stories of ancestors, are rites of passage, or invoke powerful symbolic meaning for the culture and individual personality of the wearer. From the Polynesian islands to the jungles of South America, tribal tattoos denote strength and protection, pride, power, and the representation of culture.

5. neo-traditional rib tattoo designs

Men Rib Tattoo

This cage tattoo of a stormtrooper wearing a Native American headdress is done in an old school style with bold black outlines shaded with bold colors and more black ink on the headdress. the gray shading of the feathers on the edge of the artwork gives it an edge effect as if he is in transition.

Best Men

A classic American traditional tattoo, this mighty eagle tattoo looks ready to attach itself to the side of its human canvas. The placement of the eagle is perfect: the tattoo artist carefully considered the wearer’s musculature so that the composition of the eagle would fit their movements. The eagle is a great companion to have on your skin, both for its aesthetic beauty and for its symbolic meaning of fierce freedom and pride.

Nautical Ship Rib Tattoo Designs

A pelican tattoo means that you carry a spirit guide that teaches self-sacrifice. Getting a pelican tattoo is a statement that one longs to be charitable and less competitive. It may not be a popular choice among birds for tattoos, but this graceful creature can be executed with beautiful bold colors and plenty of sharp detail.


This is one of those pieces of surrealism where the meaning is subjective: your definition of rib tattoo depends on how you perceive the art. In this tattoo example, is the black wolf transforming into his beautiful human self, or is the woman dreaming that she is transforming into a wolf?

Rib Tattoo Designs

Neo-traditional tattoos take old-school design elements (bold lines, traditional imagery and structure) and then crank the amps up to eleven by incorporating a wild sense of style and a total commitment to vivid neon and/or schemes and wacky color patterns.

6. avifauna

Bird Side Men

the black ink clawed sparrow perfectly perched on the hip, symbolically the sparrow is often misunderstood as a bad omen because it is often associated with death, but is considered sacred in Native American culture as it is mentions him as smart and brave.


The elegant eagle tattoo with a minimal design looks like a silhouette from afar. the negative space between the shaded points helps create the illusion. The eagle is considered to be one of the most powerful spirit guides and is considered divine because it can fly higher than any other bird. it also brings the message of renewed life because it is associated with the easterly winds – the direction of spring, dawn and rebirth.

Rib Tattoo Men

Rib Tattoo Designs For Men

Eagle Bird Rib Tattoos For Men

This geometric rib eagle tattoo is a modern take on a wildly popular traditional style design. the eagle is deeply shaded in solid dark black ink, but the artist left small negative spaces in the middle to peek through the reflections. a haunting piece, it could even be religious or spiritual because eagles are known to carry messages from spirits.

Side Rib Tattoos For Men

7. script tattoos on the ribs


An excerpt of your favorite prayer, poetry, song or personalized words of yours intended to inspire, such as a dedication to a loved one, or a certain advocacy you intend to campaign on, is entirely up to you. just make sure the spelling has been checked, and if it’s a different language, make sure the translation is accurate.

Tattoos On Ribs For Men

A quote tattoo on the ribs can come from your favorite prayer, poetry, song, book or movie. They can also be personalized words meant to inspire or motivate, be a dedication or keepsake for a loved one, or fulfill a certain meaning to your life and perspective. They can also be a matching tattoo with lovers, family, friends or teammates.

Just make sure the spelling has been checked, and if your quote tattoo is engraved in a different language, that you’ve checked (in triplicate) that the translation is correct in both spelling and grammar.

8. unique rubbed tattoo ideas

Rib Tattoo For Guys

Cool Nature Rib Tattoos For Men

The tattoos on this side of a group of pine trees, inked with deep black ink, are placed against the skin as a background. the trees are arranged so that the imaginary path is along negative space, at an unequal height for added dimension. ink longevity in this rib area will never be an issue due to the highly saturated detail.

Men Rib Tattoos

This black and gray tattoo of a war scene is executed with light feather strokes, with parts fading to mimic that of a watercolor painting. he has a very light approach for such a bold and dangerous scene. this tattoo is a stark reminder of one of the harsh realities of life, that there is a war going on in certain parts of the world and that there are men who are on the front lines fighting for us so that the rest of us can sleep soundly at night.

Top Men

These pieces show that a rib tattoo design can take any form given the opportunity to develop from concept to well-executed piece of body art.

9. unfinished rib tattoo ideas

Ship Men

Dragon Rib Tattoos For Guys

Rib Tattoo For Men

These are easy to identify as unfinished rib tattoos and side pieces that will become finished pieces; Sometimes big line rib ideas can create uncertainty as to whether or not they are finished. when the wearer later decides to update their tattoo and add more components to this piece, it will look amazing in color or black and grey, with fine artistic details from extensive touches of style.

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