
The Hidden Meaning Behind Tribal Tattoos | Manifest Studio

thinking about getting a tattoo? Whether it’s your first or another addition to existing ones, you might be considering a tribal design. Everyone agrees that they look great, but have you ever wondered about the hidden meaning behind these tattoo designs?

In this guide, we look at the meanings of tribal tattoos and how these art forms developed in different cultures. Here’s what you need to know before choosing one for yourself!

is it appropriate to get one?

You don’t have to be from a certain tribe or culture to get this type of tattoo. but for the members of the tribe, drawing on their bodies is all about symbolism. each tattoo has a specific meaning, so it can be offensive to get one just for its design.

If you want to honor that culture or its style, be sure to learn more about the symbolism. That way, your tattoo will not only look beautiful but will carry a deeper meaning. Take a look at these top tribal tattoo categories and pick your favourite.

African tribal tattoos

Africa is a great continent where you will find different cultures. Today, a growing population follows the religion of Islam, which considers tattoos profane. however, the spirit of tattooing is very much alive in sub-Saharan Africa.

You can connect tribal tattoo styles with different cultures and traditions in Africa. most have one thing in common: bold design and hidden meaning. African tribes believed that each piece of tattoo speaks of the character or strength of the person who wears it.

here are some hidden meanings in african tattoos:

  • landscape – the richness and beauty of the earth
  • flowers: the health and attractiveness of a man
  • elephants – power and strength
  • masks – spirits of ancestors or a good harvest
  • Pattern African TattooTribal tattoos from this continent often come with sun motifs and bold zig-zag lines. Shading is imperative, especially since tattoo stylists use it to pinpoint contrasting areas. African tattoo experts believe that many tribe members didn’t hesitate to add aesthetic touches to their body art.

    This is important in modern times since it gives much more freedom to you and your stylist. If you want to show off with some bold shading, African tribal tattoos are a great choice. First-timers often choose this design because it can leave a great impression.African Tattoo

    native american style

    Native Americans have a rich culture that strongly believes in spirits. You will often find animal tattoos, and they can even represent an individual’s spirit animal. wolves may be the dominant ones, but we also see hawks, bears, etc. it depends on a person’s connection to an animal or the special powers it gives them.

    A bold design is characteristic of Native American tribal tattoos. stylists portray animals with black ink and sharp outlines. they are often paired with a dream catcher. Native Americans believe this protects you from evil spirits. the animal is your totem, so stylists often add a totem. this was a sacred object for most tribes as it presents to their protectors.

    Because of the rich history, Native Americans have a large number of tribes that consider tattooing an important part of their culture. Cherokee and Haida might be the most famous for this approach.

    Native American Style Tattoo

    Cherokee tribal tattoos

    Cherokee is a Native American tribe, but their body art is so advanced that it deserves a special mention. this tribe firmly believes in its religious teachings. they imply being one with nature and the community. You can highlight the importance of that harmony and balance if you choose Cherokee tribal tattoos.

    The Cherokee style is not limited to just using black ink, it supports colorful designs. the attractive appearance does not change the strong hidden meaning.

    A spirit animal is often the main motif of this body art. As in other Native American traditions, the wolves are the dominant ones. they represent strength, while an eagle with a feather shows honor, friendship and love. A skull tattoo is a common choice for this style as it represents dignity, pride and passion.

    Cherokee Tribal Tattoo

    Indian tattoo patterns

    Indian tattoo culture values ​​aesthetics and meaning alike. if people couldn’t get jewelry and other body accessories, they resorted to tattooing. Aside from decoration, people would use this form of body art to signal their strength or spiritual journey.

    Straight and curved lines, geometric patterns and images are famous for Indian tribal tattoos. this culture has many deities that are often depicted through body art. elephants and tigers are among the animals, but also dragons and other creatures could also appear in tattoos.

    if you’re a woman, a great kali goddess tattoo is a wise choice. she represents “shakti”, or the power of women. floral patterns like the lotus represent purity and rebirth, while geometric patterns are a way to ward off evil beings.

    In general, the Indian style is perfect for those who want a large tattoo. a deity or animal can be the focal point, while the stylist can use different geometric shapes around it.

    Indian Tattoo Pattern

    Celtic tribal tattoos

    The Asterix Tira character comes from a Celtic tribe known as the Gauls. she had a magic potion, but the Celtic warriors weren’t any less brave without it really. In addition to being brave, these tribes have a strong sense of aesthetics and architecture. That’s why you’ll find shading, circles, and decorations in Celtic tribal tattoos.

    The symbolism that comes from nature is the main reason for this style. animals and birds represent strength but also the free spirit of the individual. you can also go with wyrms, which is an ancient dragon creature that is part of Celtic mythology.

    These tattoos are usually colorful and do not require using only black ink. they could feature red or another shading option to make the entire body art more visually appealing. Whether you want a large dragon tattoo or a small tribal cross, the Celtic style may be the way to go.

    Celtic Tribal Tattoos

    Polynesian tattoo designs

    Polynesia is a huge area with more than 1000 islands. You will find many different tribes, but they share the same tattoo style. these tribes rarely go beyond the use of black ink and blank spaces. it is this simplicity that can ensure that the tattoo looks clear and sharp.

    If you choose Polynesian tribal tattoos, be sure to consider a suitable location. if you put it in the back, it shows a mistake from your past. but if you go through the upper body, that’s a connection between the earth and the sky.

    This style mixes different elements, but most of them come from nature. the ocean represents great change taking place, while the turtles bring good luck. Polynesians also use human figures called enata for their tattoos. if you want to show power and strength, use the shark teeth motif.

    Polynesian Tattoo

    Aztec tribal tattoos

    the aztec empire that covered most of northern mesoamerica had a rich culture and mythology related to the art of tattooing. Those tattoos serve as inspiration for tattoo designs due to their beautiful and geometric shapes. you can choose quetzalcóatl, the mighty gigantic god. he symbolizes the dawn or beginning of life, but the culture also connects him to art and learning. that makes this tattoo a great choice for artistic and creative people.

    Aztec Tribal Tattoo

    Stylists have a great deal of freedom with Aztec tribal tattoos. they often use a mix of ink and white space to get the message across. Aside from mythology, the Aztec tribes have wonderful architecture. modern body art often finds inspiration in those structures as well.

    Aztec Tattoo

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