
95 Unicorn Tattoos That Are Absolutely Fantastic – Wild Tattoo Art

Unicorn tattoos have been quite an interesting trend in the tattoo industry. Unicorn tattoos are something unique and have different meanings depending on the type of unicorn you get tattooed. If you’re looking for something unique as well as magical, these unicorn tattoos will definitely win you over.

these tattoos have a feminine touch; however, some boys and men also get large tattoos of unicorns. unicorns represent unity and peace, so why is there so much commotion that it only suits women? Regardless of gender or age, you can surely get an amazing unicorn tattoo; Get inspired by these awesome ideas below.


This is a small unicorn tattoo that shows a unicorn getting ready to fly. tattoo includes an outline of the initial unicorn; it means that you are always ready to make your next best move. start-up tattoo will always motivate you to take chances and risks. If you are looking for a small but significant tattoo, this is the best option for you.

heavenly unicorn

This celestial unicorn is the perfect way to achieve a magical glowing vibe. This tattoo includes a unicorn outlined in faded black connected to an inverted triangle. the background is very mystical as it has blue and purple tones with small white stars. this mystical tattoo will go perfectly well on your arm or shoulder.

fierce unicorn

This tattoo represents a more serious and fierce version of a unicorn instead of a magical one. The fierce tattoo includes a large dull blue unicorn with a serious face and a dramatic background with some burning flames. The fierce unicorn tattoo is more appropriate for men, and the perfect place for it is on the calf. this tattoo signifies the strength and fierceness in you. get ready to bring out the fire inside you and try this interesting tattoo.

the famous pegasus

Pegasus is a very famous unicorn that you must have seen in many barbie movies and other fairy tales and fantasy cartoons. This tattoo includes Pegasus, which is a mystical purple winged horse, and many different pastels, which help create a starry Pegasus feature. the size of the tattoo is mostly small; however, you can adjust it according to your preferences. the perfect place for the tattoo is on the wrist or ankle.

geometric unicorn

If you like tattoos with geometric shapes, this geometric unicorn tattoo is the perfect choice for you. The tattoo includes a black geometric outline of a unicorn with some parts shaded in black lines. Although it is a very simple tattoo, it presents a unique and beautifying aspect.

unicorn crown

This simple yet vivid unicorn tattoo features a colorful outline of the unicorn with a floral crown in the background. The unicorn crown tattoo creates a nice finish with a large pink bow in the middle. the colors you will find in this tattoo are shades of purple, blue and pink. if you’re looking for something girly, this tattoo exudes the perfect girly vibes.

jeweled unicorn

This tattoo features a unique multi-hued unicorn covered in some green jewels. the color combination is what makes the unicorn look so mystical and unique. the tones used are green, blue and purple. there is much more to this tattoo than just the colors. you can see an orange mandala and some mystical black leaves. the subtle use of white ink has given the unicorn’s face some depth. If you like extraordinary and elegant tattoos, there is nothing more magnificent than this jeweled unicorn.

cartoon unicorn

I am sure that for many of us, the first time we see a unicorn is mainly in cartoons or animated movies. there are different types of cartoon unicorns that you can tattoo, for example my little pony unicorn. These tattoos feature the exact dreamy look and effect that is associated with animated unicorns. There are little star shapes around the unicorn to give it the perfect magical touch. Frequent colors used by tattoo artists in unicorn cartoons are shades of blue and purple; however, this depends on the type of unicorn you want.

unicorn finger tattoo

You can also get a unicorn tattooed on your fingers. how about a colorful unicorn face tattoo with some rainbows in the background? You can also just get the unicorn horn tattooed on one of your fingers. finger tattoos are very stylish and are more visible. they are very common and becoming a trend on the go, so stay up to date and get your choice of unicorn tattoo on finger.

unicorn warrior

If you are a fan of action thriller movies and stories, you can get this warrior unicorn tattooed on your shoulder or calf. This tattoo includes a large gray unicorn covered in traditional armor. The warrior tattoo symbolizes the fighter within you. it also shows that you will always overcome the challenges that come your way. so to get daily inspiration and stay active during the day, you should definitely get this unique tattoo.

rainbow ladder vomit

Unicorns are known for their magical rainbow stairs; You can also get a tattoo of this unicorn vomiting rainbows. The tattoo includes a large outline of a unicorn with big shadowy eyes, and there’s a colorful rainbow coming out of the mouth, making it look like it’s throwing up rainbow ladders. This tattoo portrays how there is always something unique and positive about every individual, no matter what they are or look like. the perfect place for this tattoo is the arm, as it is more visible and gives the tattoo more space.

mystical rose gold experience

This tattoo includes nothing but gorgeous details showing a flying unicorn getting ready to take flight; on the side, there is a trail of some faded rose gold flowers. the wings have some exotic details, which also have a touch of rose gold. the unicorn has shades of black and gray, but mostly gray. this tattoo is too beautiful not to do it, so don’t think about it too much and adorn your back with this gorgeous tattoo.

frequently asked questions

what are the basic colors I can have in my unicorn tattoo?

The color mainly depends on the type of unicorn tattoo you want, as some tattoos require multiple shades. But the basic colors that tattoo artists use in unicorn tattoos are shades of pink, blue, purple, and sometimes red. Common colors like black, gray and white are also used, especially in outlined unicorn tattoos.

I want to get a temporary unicorn tattoo, how long will it last?

temporary tattoos usually last three days. however, this largely depends on your tattoo artist or where you are tattooing from. Some tattoo parlors offer temporary tattoos but they stay visible longer. the minimum is three days, and it could last even longer if your tattoo is in a place where there is not much contact with water, for example, the calf and shoulders. Skin type also influences the lifespan of a tattoo; if you have dry, wrinkled skin, your tattoo will crack and crumble. To avoid this mess, moisturize your skin daily before getting the tattoo.

is it expensive to get a unicorn tattoo?

Tattoos are usually expensive; however, the cost depends on the size, design, details, colors and the tattoo parlor. different salons charge different prices; Also, the more detailed your tattoo is, the higher the cost. but the minimum cost of a tattoo is $60-$80. this price only applies to medium sized tattoos.

can men get unicorn tattoos?

Absolutely yes, unicorn tattoos are suitable for both men and women. There are different designs specifically for men, such as the warrior unicorn and the fierce unicorn. unicorns have always been a very feminine feature; however, a unicorn signifies unity and peace. So, it doesn’t matter what your sex is; you can get any type of unicorn tattoo.

what is the best place for my unicorn tattoo?

The placement of unicorn tattoos depends on the design and size. however, the most appropriate or ideal places for unicorn tattoos include the legs, arms, wrists, and neck. These areas allow you to show your tattoo to the world and you can see it yourself properly.


final thoughts

Getting a tattoo like a unicorn is not an easy decision as it involves a lot of thinking and planning, especially if you are very insecure. but don’t worry as unicorn tattoos suit everyone. get inspired by these amazing ideas above, choose the best tattoo and get on the best tattoo parlor.

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