
Top 59 Greek Mythology Tattoo Ideas – [2021 Inspiration Guide]

When getting Greek mythology tattooed, there are enough gods, heroes, monsters, mortals and mythical creatures to make anyone’s head spin. The most popular gods for tattoo design in Greek mythology include: Zeus, Poseidon, Hermes, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Hades.

Other popular Greek tattoo designs often include references to the great Greek warrior Achilles, King Sisyphus, Atlas, the Trojan War, plus elements of the Greek alphabet and Greek letter ideas popular with American college fraternities.

Keep reading for the top 59 Greek tattoos, including highly talented tattoo art and images.

1. greek mythology sleeve tattoo ideas

Tattoos In Greek For Guys


Manly Men

Greek Tattoo Sleeve For Males

Ancient Greek Tattoos For Men Full Sleeve

Greek Gods Tattoo For Men


Full Sleeve Greek Style Men

Greek Tattoo Designs For Men


Greek Mythology Tattoo Ideas For Men

Sleeve Ancient Greek Tattoo Designs Men

For most people, getting tattoos is a process; As time goes on, people collect more, slowly replacing the blank skin with black, gray and colored designs that perfectly represent the style and sensibility of the wearer. sometimes it’s a bunch of stand-alone pieces of flash being slowly incorporated into a larger composition, and sometimes it’s big, complex pieces; full sleeves fall into this category.

These full arm tattoos use the natural lines of the body to draw the eye up and down throughout the tattoo, and the intriguing and dramatic stories from Greek mythology are the perfect subjects for such large canvases.


2. greek portrait tattoos

Greek God Apollo Men

Bicep Greek Tattoo For Men


Cool Small Greek Tattoos For Guys

Small Greek Quotes Tattoos For Guys

Human beings are programmed to focus on faces. the amount of information we glean from the smallest variations in a person’s countenance arose through our collective evolution and is one of the reasons portraiture is such a compelling art form.

Whether it’s photorealistic black and gray pieces or more stylized interpretations of traditional American tattoos, portraits are fascinating designs and the myths, stories and fables of ancient Greece are full of dramatic material to draw inspiration from. the cast of characters, from gods and demi-gods to monsters and demons, ensures that Greek mythology has a theme for just about everyone.

3. greek mythology tattoos

Greek Symbol Tattoo For Gentlemen

Cool Men

Arm Agape Greek Men

Popular Men

Greek Mythology Tattoos For Men

The upper arm remains a popular spot for tattoos thanks to the ample surface area of ​​a well-maintained bicep, as well as the opportunity to hide interesting details in the inner arm area.

From tribal armbands to fully covered half sleeves, this body part allows the wearer to proudly display their work every time they wear a tank top or hit the beach. When designs inspired by tumultuous Greek mythology are applied to the upper arm, they create instantly recognizable eye-catching tattoos.

4. Hellenic warrior tattoos with meaning




Greek Symbol Tattoos For Men

Shoulder Male Greek Warrior Tattoos

Orange Greek Inspired Tattoos For Men On Arm

Back Green God Tattoo Ideas On Men

The term Hellenic refers to the time after Alexander the Great’s conquest and refers to the spread and adoption of Greek culture. Hellenic actually means to imitate the Greeks. As their culture spread, so did the unmistakable depiction of Greek soldiers.

The typical Greek soldier, known as a hoplite, wore the characteristic helmet and carried a long spear and a round shield. they were highly organized and fiercely loyal, traits that can be highlighted in these interesting tattoos. their distinctive uniform and equipment make them excellent subjects for tattoos dedicated to the warrior nature of the wearer.

5. tattoos of ancient greek classical statues

Masculine Men

Greek Gods Tattoos For Men On Legs

Black Greek God Atlas Tattoo For Men On Arm


Greek Men

Greek Atlas Tattoo Men On Ribs



Greek God Of War Tattoo On Man

Greek Goddess Tattoos For Men

Classical Greece was the period of Greek culture that lasted some 200 years (the 4th and 5th centuries BC) and was a time that saw the birth of much of what we think of as Western civilization. architecture, philosophy, theater and art emerged from this period of cultural development.

this also makes the themes of this era a great group to draw inspiration from. the parthenon, marble busts and mythological creatures can be used, and for these powerful images a black and gray approach perfectly captures the elegant nature of these subjects.

6. poseidon illustration tattoos

Rib Cage Side Men

Manly Men

Greek God Tattoo Designs For Males Of Ships

Greek God Tattoo For Men On Bicep

Greek Gods And Goddesses Tattoos For Guys

The god of the sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses, Poseidon was a petty and vengeful god and is considered the most greedy of the Olympian gods. Apart from his bad temper, Poseidon is a great subject for tattoos thanks to the dramatic nature of his face, as well as the ability to incorporate interesting elements from the stories and myths that describe this powerful god. poseidon tattoos are a perfect choice for anyone who has strong connections to the ocean and its creatures and can use vibrant colors or a black and gray approach with success.

7. greek atlas tattoos

Greek Tattoo Ideas For Men

Globe Greek Myth Tattoo For Men

Tattoo Greek For Men

Greek mythology is complex and sometimes convoluted, and the story of Atlas and the Titans is a bit of both. the titans were the first immortal descendants to be born from chaos, and their more famous brothers, zeus, poseidon, etc., came later and became known as the olympic gods.

By far the most famous of these original Greek deities is Atlas, who was sentenced to hold the world on his shoulders after the Titans lost the war between Zeus and the Olympians in the Titanomachy. Whether or not someone knows the ins and outs of Greek mythology, the dramatic image of the atlas holding the world on his shoulders is the perfect subject for an ancient Greek tattoo.

8. tattoos of the ancient god zeus

Greek God Tattoos For Men



Lightning Greek Orthodox Men


Male Ancient Greek Tattoo



zeus was the king of the olympic gods, who lived on the mount. he olympus and had power over lightning and the sky. it is almost unstoppable as a greek tattoo design.

What many people consider a stereotypical image of a god with a long white beard and flowing robes who hurls thunderbolts at those who don’t obey him is actually a representation of Zeus. is the perfect subject for a tattoo artist to portray due to the opportunity it provides to create scenes full of drama and spectacle, as well as the ability to incorporate other tattoos from Greek mythology into the art.

9. jellyfish tattoo art


Man With Greek Art Tattoo

Small Bicep Greek Tattoo Designs Men

Best Greek Chest Tattoos For Men

Another instantly recognizable character from Greek myth is Medusa. This creature, known as a gorgon, is usually depicted as a woman, often with wings and a head full of poisonous snakes instead of hair.

was once a powerful priestess of athena who was punished after she broke her vow of celibacy and was cursed with serpents wriggling for green hair and skin; anyone who looked at her face would instantly turn into a stone statue. Medusa’s ghastly countenance makes it a perfect subject for tattoos, whether in color or black and grey, providing an opportunity for a talented artist to capture all the intricate details of her face as well as the snakes on her face. head.

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