
27 Best Prison Tattoo Designs With Meanings

People with prison tattoo designs are seen everywhere. Prevalent among inmates, these tattoos are highly regarded outside of bars as they contain strong narratives. they tell endless stories about the prisoners.

expressing the extent of the prisoners’ crimes, gang based affiliations, disregard for authority, personal attributes and the time the prison spends behind the cells is what these tattoos do best. These tattoos are made with crude equipment such as pens, staples, paper clips, styrofoam, molten rubber, rudimentary needles, and many other similar accessories. As a result, their tattoos appear crude, unlike their polished, professional counterparts.

but that doesn’t stop the designs from being famous. their strong and deep narratives make up for the look of these tattoos. here are some of those designs worth looking at.

the best prison tattoo designs with meaning

1. the aryan brotherhood

The Aryan Brotherhood (AB) is essentially a gang of Caucasian men who believe in neo-Nazi ideology. They regard Hitler as their hero and strongly espouse the cause of white supremacy. the tattoos that belong to this brotherhood are quite symbolic. or they consist of a swastika, ‘ab’ written in a gothic font, a Celtic knot, or the number 1488.

However, before you consider donning these cool prison tattoos, you should remember that they have the ability to make you an easily identifiable prey for various Mexican and African-American gangs.

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2. tear tattoos

Teardrop tattoos are one of the most common types of prison tattoos worn by a large number of inmates around the world. they are depicted as a small tear drop that usually appears to be falling from the eye. the meaning of this widely recognized tattoo varies from place to place.

In some prisons, a teardrop tattoo may simply imply that a person has lost a loved one, while in other prisons it may be interpreted as a longstanding symbol of revenge. In addition, a teardrop tattoo can also represent a murder conviction, a long sentence, or personal loss.

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3. prison gun tattoos

Guns are largely associated with the commission of heinous crimes, especially in the United States. As weapons, pistols are dangerous, risky, and unwieldy. this unpredictability creates a sense of allure, mystery, and allure, which has made firearms a popular tattoo choice in prisons.

Weapon tattoos range from pistols and sig sauers to semi-automatics and rifles. each can be given a different look, and its meaning can depend on the condemned person’s personal history.

4. blood gang tattoos

various contemporary gangs tend to have their own identifying marks. these marks not only reflect their ideology, but also bind the members of that gang together with a common thread. Originally from Piru Street West Los Angeles, the Blood Gang has developed a similar tattoo culture.

Gang tattoos that adorn their members generally consist of the mob (blood members) alphabets, the 13/13 cipher, or the letters oybbq (meaning “blood”). These tattoos can be worn anywhere on the body, but are usually done on the forearm.

5. russian prison tattoos

Since the early 20th century, Russian prison tattoos have been popular in various parts of the world. Initially used to mark prisoners, these tattoos gradually transformed into an indicator of aggression and vigor.

People with Russian prison tattoos are generally respected and feared in various cultures. These tattoo designs traditionally range from barbed wire, chest crosses, and eight-pointed stars to images of Lenin, one-eyed eagles, and spider webs.

6. prison break tattoos

Attempting to break out of prison is considered an act of extreme bravery and defiance. however, prison break tattoos have absolutely nothing to do with convicts escaping from prison. instead, these tattoos originated from a very popular television series called prison break!

In the show, the protagonist paints the map of the prison on his body in order to design an escape route. most prison break tattoos carry images, signs and symbols from this much loved series.

7. black guerrilla family tattoos

Black guerrilla family tattoos originated as an emblem of solidarity during the 1966 civil rights movement. This was a time when black citizens of the united states were fighting for equal rights and justice .

A variety of organizations, such as the Black Liberation Army, the United Blood Nation, and the Black Vanguard, supported this movement and began sporting tattoos symbolizing their ideology. the black guerrilla group usually wears tattoos that have the number 276 inscribed on them.

8. mexican mafia tattoos

the mexican mafia is mainly active in california. This mob is divided into two groups, the Southerners and the Northerners, each sporting a distinctive tattoo design.

Southerns, for example, wear tattoos that have the number 13 engraved in Roman or Aztec numerals. Instead, northerners wear tattoos that have the number 14 engraved in Arabic. the tattoos adorned by both groups also incorporate the initials ms and three dots.

9. gang tattoos

Most of the world’s prisons are run by a multitude of gangs. These gangs are made up of hardened convicts who wear similar tattoos so their loyalty and affiliation remain unquestioned.

Sporting these gang tattoos is essentially their way of ensuring survival and taking advantage of special privileges within the confines of a prison. Although different prison gangs wear different sets of tattoos, most they generally focus on a certain number, a specific image, or the infinity symbol.

10. prison face tattoos

As the name suggests, prison face tattoos are done on the face. they usually denote how tough a criminal is. the greater the number of tattoos on his face, the greater the number of crimes they have committed.

However, some inmates wear prison face tattoos to show their identity or simply express their opinion. the designs of such tattoos vary greatly from skulls, tears, and crowns to names, totems, and numbers.

11. playing card tattoos

Originating in Russian prisons, playing card tattoos have now secured a spot among the best prison tattoos in the world. For most inmates, a playing card tattoo symbolizes how their lives have become a gamble and each passing day is dealing them a bad hand.

Inmates are free to choose from any of the 52 cards in a standard deck. the specific card they choose is often associated with how they see themselves, their criminal history, and their prospective future.

12. black gang tattoos

Black gang tattoos are typically worn by members of the African American community. These tattoos act as a symbol of unity and integration. Black gang tattoos also give people of color enough motivation to fight for their cause.

Although most of these tattoos differ from one prison to another, they are inextricably linked by common figures, such as chains, area codes, padlocks, keys, wild animals, guns, weapons, artillery and knives. these tattoos function as a means of identification and community cohesion.

13. racist tattoos

At various times in world history, racism has been the dominant narrative. From the coasts of America and the cities of Europe to the deserts of Africa and the jungles of Asia, racist art has adapted to the cultures of different geographies.

This is why today’s racist prison tattoos feature a plethora of designs like Celtic crosses and runic alphabets. These may symbolize neo-Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan or a white supremacist ideology.

14. american prison tattoos

American prison tattoos are made up of many varied designs and diverse styles. These tattoos are a reflection of the prisoner’s individual story and life story.

American prison tattoos also include the extensive body of art that Native American gangs have developed. These tattoos are marked by unique and indigenous designs, including symbols that are considered sacred by Native Americans, such as reptiles, birds, animals, and tribal clothing.

15. prison wrist tattoos

wrist tattoos are a set of cool prison tattoos that are usually worn by inmates on their wrists. they can narrate a story of the prisoner’s conviction, mention their total time in prison, or wear a symbol with which they identify.

In fact, prison gangs often brand their members on the wrist. These tattoos include a wide range of artwork, such as a clock without hands, a four-pointed star, a swastika, a hanging man, or some dots.

16. prison tattoos

Most convicts are sentenced according to the seriousness of their crime. if they have committed a serious crime, for example, their jail time would be a minimum of 1 year. however, if they have committed first-degree murder, their jail time could range from 15 years to life.

Some inmates, especially those on long-term sentences, literally wear their prison time on their sleeve like a tattoo! These prison tattoos are mainly drawn as numbers in Roman, Latin, Arabic or English numerals.

17. prison spider web tattoos

Largely considered one of the best prison tattoos, spider web tattoos are essentially a representation of long prison sentences. prisoners who deign to spend a lot of time in jail get cobwebs tattooed on their elbows or necks.

the web indicates that just as the spider catches its prey, the system has also caught and chained them. If you get this tattoo, make sure your tattoo artist doesn’t use bright colors. instead, stick to black and white to keep it authentic.

18. five-pointed crown tattoos

The five-pointed crown tattoo is arguably the most famous body art in both North and South America. This prison tattoo is an integral part of the Hispanic culture and is normally worn by members of the Latin Kings gang. sporting this tattoo enhances your rank and influence in latin society. immediately.

A five-pointed crown is indicative of loyalty, allegiance and protection. It is done mainly on the neck, but some gang members also shave their heads and use the scalp as a canvas for this tattoo.

19. three point prison tattoos

Three dot tattoos are a distinctive type of prison tattoo that can be interpreted in many ways. On the one hand, this symbol is closely associated with the Mexican mafia and can be considered as an identification mark for the gang of sureños based in the.

On the other hand, this tattoo may simply represent the Spanish concept of mi vida loca or “my crazy life”. The three dots are also sometimes said to be an indicator of pure religious belief, as they can symbolize the Christian holy trinity.

20. ewmn prison tattoos

ewmn is an acronym for “wicked, wicked, mean and nasty”. By putting on such tattoos, convicts try to acknowledge their crime. in other words, they use their presumed character on their bodies to strengthen people’s beliefs about them.

Apart from ewmn, any other abbreviation can also be used for the same purpose. These prison tattoos are mostly done on the knuckles of an inmate.

21. crown and ring tattoos

Having its roots in 17th century Ireland, a crown and rings tattoo (also called a crown ring tattoo) is basically a modification of the traditional claddagh ring. in prison, it is used by members of the same gang or a group of inmates who have developed a close bond.

This prison tattoo represents loyalty (crown), love (heart), and friendship (hands). It is usually done on the ring finger, although any other finger can also be used to portray a crown ring tattoo.

22. scary prison tattoos

Although prison tattoos can take many different forms, many of them tend to be a bit scary. a skull, for example, can look terribly dangerous when worn on the forehead.

Similarly, an “eye for an eye” tattoo is done by shading the eye from all corners to give it a spooky look. some inmates even cover their entire faces in tattoo ink just to make them look formidable, fearsome, and devilish.

23. cool prison tattoos

Various prison tattoos are actually a treasure trove of beautiful and unusual art forms. they transcend the barriers of language, culture, geographies and countries to produce cool prison tattoos that are meaningful and eloquent.

These designs include wonderful features like gott mitt uns (god be with us), roses, years, hearts, eyes, and instruments of historical importance.

24. old school prison tattoos

Various tattoo designs have emerged lately, but the allure of old school prison tattoos remains intact. These tattoos, belonging to the vintage era, are generally a reflection of the convict’s choice of time.

For example, if a prisoner wears a swastika, it means they support the Nazi cause of the 1930s. Similarly, if they have a clenched fist, it means they believe in the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

25. irish prison tattoos

Irish prison tattoos are well known for their simplicity and relevance. their common designs bind prisoners from across the country in a singular chain.

These tattoos typically include simple designs like clover blossoms, leaf clovers, and four dots. These symbols are said to symbolize good luck, prosperity, and happiness.

26. 3d prison tattoos

in some prisons 3d prison tattoos are used a lot by merging two different images. This gives an added dimension to a regular tattoo!

3d tattoos focus on a person’s stereoscopic vision, thus enhancing their depth of perception. for example, you can merge the image of lenin with an eight pointed star to give it a 3d effect.

27. tribal prison tattoos

Prison tattoo designs that carry tribal symbology have been the subject of fascination for inmates around the world. These tattoos are not only very artistic, but also contain great cultural and ritual expression.

they generally use Aztec art, Apache totems, Inca symbols or Mapuche patterns. Tribal tattoos vary geographically, regionally, and racially. wearing them implies that a convict belongs to or identifies with a specific tribe.

frequently asked questions

what does a prison star tattoo mean?

A prison star tattoo can mean different things to different people. while it may indicate hope, ambition, and success for some, it may have religious (Jewish), professional (fishermen), or nationalistic (navy) meaning for others. however, in all cases, it conveys a sense of individuality and uniqueness.

what does a prison clover tattoo mean?

In American prisons, members of the Aryan brotherhood often wear the trefoil or three-leaf clover tattoo. symbolizes his neo-Nazi ideology along with his idea of ​​white supremacy. however, in Irish prisons, it simply represents the trio of hope, faith, and love.

what does a scorpion tattoo mean in prison?

A scorpion in prison tattoo represents fear and intimidation. the convict who wears it is considered as diabolical as the grim reaper. wearing a scorpion, therefore, represents the strength, loyalty and power of him.

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